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Roman Consuls under Titus?

There follows my list of consuls that served during the reign of Titus (24/6/79 - 13/9/81):

Date Consul 1 Consul 2 Source Source

8.Sep.79 T(ito) Rubrio Aelio Nepote M(arco) Arrio Flacco CIL 16, 024 AE 1998, 0419 ZPE 146 (2004) 239-254
80 Imp. T. Caesar Vespasianus Augustus VIII Caesar Domitianus VII Degrassi AE 1998, 0419
Jan or Feb.80 A(ulo) Didio Gallo Fabricio Veientone II L(ucio) Lamia Plautio Lamia Aeliano CIL 16, 158 AE 1998, 0419
loco Quintus Aurelius Pactumeius Fronto L(ucio) Lamia Plautio Lamia Aeliano CFA 48 AE 1998, 0419
loco C(aius) Marius Marcellus Octavius Rufus L(ucio) Lamia Plautio Lamia Aeliano AE 1998, 0419 AE 1998, 0419
13.Jun.80 C(aio) Mario Marcello Octavio P(ublio) Cluvio Rufo CIL 16, 026 AE 1998, 0419
suff ? Q(uintus) Pompeius Trio AE 1998, 0419 AE 1998, 0419 M(arco) Neratio Pansa? D 4537
suff M(arcus) Tittius Frugi M(arcus) Vinicius Iulius Rufus AE 1998, 0419 AE 1998, 0419
7.Dec.80 M(arco) Tittio Frugi T(ito) Vinicio Iuliano CFA 48
15.Jan.81 L(ucio) Flavio Silva Nonio Basso L(ucio) Asinio Pollione Verrucoso CFA 48 AE 1998, 0419
29.Mar.81 M(arco) Roscio Coelio C(aio) Iulio Iuvenale CFA 49 AE 1998, 0419
1.May.81 T(ito) Iunio Montano L(ucio) Vettio Paullo CFA 48/9 AE 1998, 0419
29.Jun.81 T(ito) Iunio Montano L(ucio) Vettio Paullo D 3434
suff T(itus) Tettienis Serenus C(aius) Natta Pinarianus AE 1998, 0419 AE 1998, 0419

If anyone can add to or refute any of the above I would be most happy to hear from them. This is possibly the shortest list of consuls in my database. Once again you can see that posts don't like spreadsheets. My advice, for what it's worth, if you're truly interested in this, copy and paste it back into a spreadsheet. Everything should line up just as it did in my spreadsheet originally.

Historical side note, L(ucio) Flavio Silva Nonio Basso was the Governor of Iudae and commanded at the siege of Masada.


M. Spedius Corbulo (aka Jim)
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group
Ave Spedius

Do you happen to have any listings for Alfenus Senecio, governor of Britain under Severus (probably c205-209)? Apart from the governorship itself I mean - I read that he was also governor of Syria at some point, and thus probably praetor before that. Maybe a suffect consulship followed? I'm not sure where this information comes from or if it's attested in epigraphy, but anything you can suggest would be most appreciated.

Ta - Nathan
Nathan Ross
Quote:Ave Spedius
Do you happen to have any listings for Alfenus Senecio, governor of Britain under Severus (probably c205-209)? Apart from the governorship itself I mean - I read that he was also governor of Syria at some point, and thus probably praetor before that. Maybe a suffect consulship followed? I'm not sure where this information comes from or if it's attested in epigraphy, but anything you can suggest would be most appreciated.
Ta - Nathan

Ave Nathan,

This is what I have able to find from my notes.

Attilio Degrassi on page 57 from his book "I Fasti Consolari Dell'Impero Romano" (1952) it reads as follows:
L(ucio) Alfeno Senecio - Governor of Britain (CIL VII 513, 1003 = D. 2618) ex-consul & Governor of Syria Coele (CIL III 6709 = D. 5899)
I assume the original texts must be in Greek, I've looked through my lists of Latin inscriptions and I have neither one. I would have included them if I could.

I also found a reference to him in Peter Salway's "Roman Britain" appendix III page 747 where Salway refers to him by his full names Lucius Alfenus Senecio 205/207-? he was the last known Governor of the whole Province, before Britain was split into superior and inferior.

I hope the above proves to be helpful.



M. Spedius Corbulo (aka Jim)
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group
Belegstelle: RIB 01234 = D 02618
Provinz: Britannia Ort: Risingham / Habitancum
[Impp(eratoribus) Caess(aribus) L(ucio)] / [Sept(imio) Severo Pio Pertin]/[aci Arab(ico) Adi]ab(enico) Part(hi]co maxi(mo) / co(n)s(uli) III et M(arco) Aurel(io) Antonino Pio / co(n)s(uli) II Augg(ustis) [[et P(ublio) Sept(imio) Getae nob(ilissimo) Caes(ari)]] / portam cum muris vetustate di/lapsis iussu Alfeni Senecionis v(iri) c(larissimi) / co(n)s(ularis) curante Oclatinio Advento proc(uratore) / Augg(ustorum) nn(ostrorum) coh(ors) I Vang(i)onum m(illiaria) eq(uitata) / cum Aem(i]l(io) Salviano trib(uno) / suo a solo restit(uit)

Belegstelle: CIL 03, 06709 = D 05899 = IGLS-01, 00039
Provinz: Syria Ort: Kiachta
Imp(erator) Caes(ar) L(ucius) Septi/mius Severus Pius / Pertinax Aug(ustus) Ara/bic(us) Adiab(enicus) Parthic(us) / princ[e]ps felic(um) pon/tif(ex) max(imus) trib(unicia) pot(estate) / XII imp(erator) VIII co(n)s(ul) II / proco(n)s(ul) et Imp(erator) Caes(ar) / M(arcus) Aurel(ius) Antoni/nus Aug(ustus) Augusti / n(ostri) fil(ius) proco(n)s(ul) imp(erator) III / et P(ublius) Septimius [[Ge]]/[[ta]] Caes(aris) fil(ius) et fra/ter Augg(ustorum) nn(ostrorum) / pontem chabi/nae fluvi a so/lo restituerunt / et transitum / reddiderunt / sub Alfenum Senecionem / leg(atum) Augg(ustorum) pr(o) pr(aetore) curante Ma/rio perpetuo leg(ato) Augg(ustorum) leg(ionis) / XVI F(laviae) F(elicis)

There are plenty more inscriptions mentioning an Alfenus Senecius, although it's hard to be sure he's the same person. If you are really interested in that guy, you will want to look in P.M.M.Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare in der Zeit von Commodus bis Severus Alexander (180-235 n. Chr.) : prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Elite im römischen Kaiserreich (Amsterdam 1989)

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Anything about the early years of Hadrian's reign (117-125) in that database of yours? Big Grin
[Image: Atrectus.jpg]
centurio pilus prior cohortis Primus Tungriorum peditata
AKA Gabriele Campbell
Thanks Jim and Jasper!

Just another question - does the 'ex consul' in the Senecio inscription quoted by Jim mean that he was at one point consul prior to his appointment as governor of Britain, or was this an honorific title, just as pro-praetorian governors were traditionally referred to as 'proconsul'?

Gabriele - I'm sure there's masses of material from Hadrian's early years; the amount of recorded inscriptions is vast! What, or who, is it you want to find out about?

*The reason I'm interested in Senecio is a sort of vague notion I have of researching Severan appointments - Alfenus Senecio was (so I've read) from Djemila in Numidia, and his appointment to Britain relatively soon after the province had supported Albinus might suggest a deliberate strategy by Severus to use fellow Africans to govern the formerly rebellious provinces - it's just a concept at the moment, with no further evidence to support it, but I'd also like to try and trace the origins of military commanders under Senecio as well, see if there are links. Might be interesting, we'll see...
Nathan Ross
Hi Nathan,
That same inscription is the first one I quoted above. 'Consularis', I believe, does mean that someone had been a consul earlier.
As to appointments, you really need to get your nose in Leunissen. :wink:

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Quote:That same inscription is the first one I quoted above.

Ah, so it is - sorry, I'd thought there might have been more than one... Thanks for that.

Quote:As to appointments, you really need to get your nose in Leunissen.

Yep, it appears I do!...

Ta - Nathan
Nathan Ross
Ave Nathan, Jasper and Gabriele,

My "database" is not set up for me to be able to take research requests.

Let me explain.

My "database" began as an analysis of Cheesman (G.L. Cheesman "The Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army, Oxford 1914, Ares 1975 reprint), so the focus, by design, was very narrow. It initially consisted of lists of the auxilia, with sources, in Provincial garrisons. The origins of the auxilia was next ie. which Province each cohort or ala was recruited from. To that the legions were added. I then made comparisons between Cheesman and Parker (H.M.D. Parker "The Roman Legions", Oxford 1928, Ares 1980 reprint) which I also had on my bookshelves. The test was to see if Cheesman had correctly identified which Province each legion was stationed in. He had, according to the cross-checks against Parker.

I feel it relevant at this stage to make a few observations. Unlike Cheesman and, I suspect, many of you, I had neither the benefit of a University education nor formal training in research. What I, like you, have is the internet. Had Cheesman access to all the wonderful options available to us, his book might well have been very different. Although, perhaps, some of the conclusions and speculations about certain items might have remained unchanged.

I could write many more lines tracing the development of my "database, but won't. Suffice to say I will help where I can, but I can't help when the question is too general for a quick, easy answer.

I should also point out that, as I indicated in my profile, my main interest is in the period "from Augustus to the death of Trajan". Any information I may have gathered outside that period would be incidental and at best sparse.

The prime objective of my research and my main focus is unchanged, it still remains with identifying the auxilia in the garrisons of the Roman Provinces. All other research that I will do, or have done, are all coincidental and are some necessary steps taken to achieve the prime objective.

Now, can someone help me? Does anyone have any more information other than that which I've already listed in the opening post of this topic? The consuls who were in office during the reign of the Emperor Titus.


M. Spedius Corbulo (aka Jim)

PS. Many thanks Jasper, for coming to the rescue.
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group
Lol, my question was only half serious, that's why I used a smiley. Smile But I think it it is a great work to gather such data, Jim.

Maybe someone can indeed help me with a more detailed question.

For a novel I write I want to make sure that I have not missed names in the lists and online information I found. For one, I want some historical characters in the book, and second, the worst thing is if you make up a character of a rank where the real one is known but escaped your research, and thus get it wrong.

So, for 117-122 AD I have found the governors of Britannia, a legate of the IX Hispana (attributed to "late Trajan or early Hadrian's time", and some tribunes (with leeway to add one of my own). I have not found a legate for the XX Valeria Victrix 120-122 AD. Has anyone seen him? :wink: If not, I'd like to make one up.

I have picked what I could find in the Vindolanda tablets, and fortunately, for my time there is just enough information to make it look authentic but with sufficient space to add my own characters.

What I'm looking for now is some senators or other persons of standing in Rome 117-120 AD, preferably ones that would be involved in treason trials - on both sides. While I know where to find the military personal, I don't know where to search for civilians. So any help here would be appreciated.
[Image: Atrectus.jpg]
centurio pilus prior cohortis Primus Tungriorum peditata
AKA Gabriele Campbell

if you would share your list of auxiliaries in northern Britannia at the time of Trajan's death (or up to Hadrian's visit in 122 if you have it that far), that would be helpful for me to cross check with my own info.

Dang, this novel is as much work as my PhD (which is not about the Romans). :twisted:
[Image: Atrectus.jpg]
centurio pilus prior cohortis Primus Tungriorum peditata
AKA Gabriele Campbell
Ave Gabriele,

The only item I have which may be of interest is a diploma found in Hungary and containing the most comprehensive listing of the auxilia in Britain found so far (13 ala and 37 cohorts). In this diploma you will find Hadrian with all of his honorifics, the names of the auxilia, the Provincial governor and his predecessor, the day/month date, the two consuls, the recipient's name and his unit, his unit commander's name and finally the names of the seven witnesses.

Concordance: CIL 16, 00069 = AE 1930, 00037 = AE 1931, 00079
Province: Pannonia superior         Region: Szony / Brigetio
Date: 17 Jul 122 Type: A
Garrison: Britannia

Imp(erator) Caesar divi Traiani Parthici f(ilius) divi Nervae nepos
Traianus Hadrianus Augustus pontifex maximus
tribunicia potestate VI co(n)s(ul) III proco(n)s(ul)
equitibus et peditibus qui militaverunt in alis decem et tribus et
cohortibus tr(i)gint(a) et septe(m) qua(e) appel(l)antur I Pannonioru(m)
Sabinian(a) et I Panno(nio)rum Tampian(a) et I Hispanorum Asturu(m)
et I Tungroru(m) et II Asturum et Gallorum Picentian(a) et Gall(o)
rum et Thracum clas(s)ian(a) civiu(m) Romanor(um) Seb(o)siana
et Vettonum Hispanorum civium Romanor(um) et Agrippi(a)n(a) M(i)
niata et Augusta Gal(l)oru(m) et Augus(ta) Vocontioru(m) civiu(m) Ro
manorum et I Frisiavonum et I Vangionum milliaria et I
Celtib<e=I>rorum et I Thracum et I Afrorum civium Romanoru(m) et
I Nervia Germanor(um) mil(l)iaria et I (H)amionu(m!) sagittaria e(t)
I Delmataru(m) et I Aquitanor(um) et I Ulpia Traian(a) Cugern(orum)
civium Romanoru(m) et I Morinorum et I Menapiorum et I
Sunucorum et I Betasioru(m) et I Batavor(um) et I Tungro(rum)
et I Hispanoru(m) et II Gallorum et II Basconum(!) civium
Romanorum et II Thracum e(t) II Lingonum et II Asturum et II
Delmatarum et II Nerviorum et III Bracarorum et III Lingon(um)
et IV Gal(l)orum et IV Lingonum et IV Breucorum et IV Delma
tarum et V Raetorum et V Gallorum et VI Nerviorum et
VII Thracum quae sunt in Brittannia sub A(ulo) Platorio Nepo
te quinque et viginti stipendiis emeritis dimissis
honesta missione per Pompeium Falcone(m) quorum
nomina subscripta sunt ipsis liberis posterisqu(e)
eorum civitatem ded(it) et conubiu(m) cum uxoribu(s) qua(s)
tun© habuissen(t) cum est civita(s) iis dat(a) aut si qui caelib(es)
essent cum iis quas postea duxissent dumtaxa(t) singuli(s)
singulas a(nte) d(iem) XVI K(alendas) Aug(ustas)
Ti(berio) Iulio Capitone
L(ucio) Vitrasio Flaminino co(n)s(ulibus)
ala(e) I Pannoniorum Tampiana(e) cui prae(e)st
Fabius Sabinus
ex sesquiplic{i}ario
Gemello Breuci f(ilio) Pannon(io)

Imp(erator) Caesar divi Traiani Parthici f(ilius) divi Nervae nepos Tra
ianus Hadrianus Augustus pontifex maximus tribu
nic(ia) potestat(e) VI co(n)s(ul) III proco(n)s(ul)
equitib(us) et peditib(us) qui militaverunt in alis decem et trib(us) et coh(or)
tib(us) triginta et septem quae appellantur I Pannonior(um) Sabinian(a)
et I Pannon(iorum) Tampian(a) et I Hispan(orum) Astur(um) et I Tungror(um) et II Astur(um)
et Gallor(um) Picentiana et Gallor(um) et Thrac(um) classiana c(ivium) R(omanorum) et Gallor(um)
Petriana |(milliaria) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et Gallor(um) Sebosiana et Vetton(um) Hispan(orum) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et
Agrippiana Miniata et Aug(usta) Gallor(um) et Aug(usta) Vocontior(um) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et I
Nervia German(orum) |(milliaria) et I Celtiberor(um) et I Thrac(um) et I Afror(um) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et I
Lingon(um) et I fida Vardullor(um) |(milliaria) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et I Frisiavon(um) et I Vangion(um)
|(milliaria) et I Hamior(um) sagitt(aria) et I Delmat(arum) et I Aquitan(orum) et I Ulpia Traia
na Cugern(orum) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et I Morin(orum) et I Menapior(um) et I Sunucor(um) et I B(a)eta
sior(um) et I Batavor(um) et I Tungror(um) et I Hispan(orum) et II Gallor(um) et II
Vascon(um) c(ivium) R(omanorum) et II Thrac(um) et II Lingon(um) et II Astur(um) et II Delmatar(um)
et II Nervior(um) et III Nervior(um) et III Bracaror(um) et III Lingon(um)
et IIII Gallor(um) et IIII Breucor(um) et IIII Delmatar(um) et V Raetor(um)
et V Gallor(um) et VI Nervior(um) et VII Thrac(um) quae sunt in Britan
nia sub A(ulo) Platorio Nepote quinque et viginti stipendi(i)s
emeritis dimissis honesta missione per Pompeium
Falconem quorum nomina subscripta sunt ipsis libe
ris posterisq(ue) eorum civitatem dedit et conub(ium) cum uxo
rib(us) quas tunc habuissent cum est civitas iis data
aut si qui caelibes essent cum iis quas postea duxis
sent dumtaxat singulis singulas a(nte) d(iem) XVI K(alendas) Aug(ustas)
Ti(berio) Iulio Capitone L(ucio) Vitrasio Flaminino co(n)s(ulibus)
alae I Pannonior(um) Tampianae cui prae(e)st
Fabius Sabinus
ex sesquiplicario
Gemello Breuci f(ilio) Pannon(io)
descriptum et recognitum ex tabula aenea quae fixa est
Romae in muro post templum divi Aug(usti) ad Minervam

Ti(beri) Claudi Menandri
A(uli) Fulvi Iusti
Ti(beri) Iuli Urbani
L(uci) Pulli Daphni
L(uci) Noni Victoris
Q(uinti) Lolli Festi
L(uci) Pulli Anthi

As you're writing a novel, another item which may be of interest is also a novel "Memoirs of Hadrian" by Marguerite Yourcenar first published in French under the title of Memoires d'Hadrian by Libraire Plon, Paris in 1951. I have an English translation in a paperback edition published by Four Square in 1966. I found it in a second hand bookshop in London and paid the princely sum of 35p for it.

I do hope these two items will be of some assistance and wish you well in your endeavours. Please keep me posted on your progress.


M. Spedius Corbulo (aka Jim)
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group
Thank you very much, Jim. The Romans had quite a bunch of soldiers in misty, rebellion-prone Britannia, didn't they? Big Grin When I've got something up that's good enough to share, I'll give you the password to my protected writing website.

I have Yourcenar's Hadrian biography. I'd better go and reread it, though I remember there was more philosophy and introspection than names I can use for my novel. :wink:
[Image: Atrectus.jpg]
centurio pilus prior cohortis Primus Tungriorum peditata
AKA Gabriele Campbell
Ave Spedivs,

here I think is a little better version of roman consuls under Titus. Neratius Pansa didn t belong to the time of Titus. If you thought about
( Marcus Hirrius ) Neratius Pansa, he was consul about 74/76 CE. Other Nerati were consuls in 87, 95, 97 CE

k. Sept. suff. T(ito) Rubrio Aelio Nepote M(arco) Arrio Flacco
CIL 16, 024 AE 1998, 0419 ZPE 146 (2004) 239-254
8.Sep.79 T(ito) Rubrio Aelio Nepote M(arco) Arrio Flacco CIL 16, 024; ZPE 146 (2004) 239-254

80 Imp. T. Caesar Vespasianus Augustus VIII Caesar Domitianus VII
Degrassi; AE 1998, 0419
k. Feb. A(ulus) Didius Gallus Fabricius Veiento II L(ucius) Aelius Plautius Lamia Aelianus
CIL 16, 158; AE 1998, 0419
28. Ian/ 25 Feb. 80 A(ulo) Didio Gallo Fabricio Veientone II L(ucio) Lamia Plautio Lamia Aeliano
CIL 16, 158
k. Mart L(ucius) Aelius Plautius Lamia Aelianus Quintus Aurelius Pactumeius Fronto
CFA 48; AE 1998, 0419
k. Mai. L(ucius) Aelius Plautius Lamia Aelianus C(aius) Marius Marcellus Octavius P(ublius) Cluvius Rufus CIL 16, 026; AE 1998, 0419
13.Jun.80 L(ucio) Lamia Plautio Aeliano C(aio) Mario Marcello Octavio P(ublio) Cluvio Rufo CIL 16, 026
k. Iul. suff. Q(uintus) Pompeius Trio …………………………………………………
AE 1998, 0419
k. Sept. suff. Sex. Neratius Capito L. Acilius Strabo
AE 1998, 0419
k. Nov suff. M(arcus) Tittius Frugi M(arcus) Vinicius Iulius Rufus
AE 1998, 0419
7.Dec.80 M(arco) Tittio Frugi T(ito) Vinicio Iuliano CFA 48

81 L(ucius) Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus L(ucius) Asinius Pollio Verrucosu
CFA 48; AE 1998, 0419
15.Jan.81 L(ucio) Flavio Silva Nonio Basso L(ucio) Asinio Pollione Verrucoso CFA 48
k. Mart. suff. M(arcus) Roscius Coelius C(aius) Iulius Iuvenalis
CFA 49; AE 1998, 0419
29.Mar.81 M(arco) Roscio Coelio C(aio) Iulio Iuvenale CFA 49
k. Mai suff. T(ito) Iunius Montanus L(ucius) Iulius Vettius Paullus
CFA 49; D 3434; AE 1998, 0419
1.Mai.81 T(ito) Iunio Montano L(ucio) Vettio Paullo CFA 9
29.Jun.81 T(ito) Iunio Montano L(ucio) Vettio Paullo D 3434
k. Iul. suff. T(itus) Tettienis Serenus C(aius) Scoedius Natta Pinarianus
AE 1998, 0419

I hope you ll like it,


Malko Linge

Ave Malko,

Thank you so very much for your most helpful suggestions. I had found the information but through lack of formal training didn't know how to utilise it proficiently. Your ammendments make perfect sense even to someone as uninformed as I. Now, using the ammended Titus as a model, I will have to redo all of my other lists of consuls.

Your opening comments about Neratius Pansa puzzled me? I have been able to trace all but the first, Marcus Hirrius Neratius Pansa 74/76 during the reign of Vespasian (1/7/69-23/6/79). Do you have the references or sources for your information? Who was his co-consul? The other Neratii are 87 = CFA55, 95 = AE1949, 023 and 97 = AE 1925, 0132 & AE 1954, 0220.

Thank you once again.


M. Spedius Corbulo (aka Jim)
[Image: spedius-mcmxliii.gif]
~~~~~~Jim Poulton~~~~~~
North London Wargames Group

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