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The weirdest question ever!

Does anybody remember the tv program about the "Roman China" on the Discovery Channel?
No, don't worry, I'm not asking about the topic. I don't care if that chinese source referred to a testudo formation or whatever and I don't care (in case that some romans had in fact arrived there) that the people of Lijian have actually a mess of german, syrian, sarmatian, everything but italic blood.
Well, remember that enthusiast guy? The one that even took the DNA test?
Poor guy! It broke my heart to see him so far away from Rome! Both ethnically and economically. But he was really patriotic!
I'd like so much to know if he could travel to Rome at last!
Did anoyne hear something? There's nothing on the web!

Thanks people!
(I told you it was weird ) Big Grin
Unfortunately, I missed that show on the Discovery Channel. (Doubtless I'll have an opportunity to see it during a reairing.) I read a sort of scifi book years ago that dealt with the fate of the phantom legion which was sold off into slavery after their defeat in battle. (Or, they may have fought in the East for their Parthian captors, and been defeated in turn by a Chinese force.) Interesting premise for a book. I found a site which appears to have some good information about the subject: and a related update at[/code]
Robert Stroud
The New Scriptorium

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