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Literarys sources concerning germanic clubmen?
Can anyone here give me a hint if there are literary sources about the auxillary clubmen depicted on Trajans column?
Or a source confirmng that certain Germanic warriors did use the club as a primary or secondary weapon, so they might have used the same weapon in Roman service?
I am currently thinking about reenacting such a warrior in the context of our groups military branch, but aside from Trajans column there doesnt seem to be any other evidence for these auxillary troops...
Olaf Küppers - Histotainment, Event und Promotion - Germany
The only soldiers that I can think of who fought with clubs in battle are the Palestinians employed by Aurelian to batter Palmyrene cataphracts (Zosimus 1.52-53).

Your best bet for literary refs to Germanic clubmen is Speidel's Ancient Germanic Warriors: Warrior Styles from Trajan's Column to Icelandic Sagas (2004). It's had mixed reviews, though.
Tacitus, Histories 2.22, mentions German auxiliaries fighting 'naked' at Placentia in AD 69. They used shields but weapons are not specified.
Writing of the (clearly non-Germanic) Aestii of Lithuania/Latvia/Estonia, Tacitus noted that "they seldom use iron weapons, but frequently use clubs" (Tac., Germ. 45).
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Many thanks,
I will look up Speidel's Ancient Germanic Warriors and check the Tacitus references, been a long time I read the Histories.
At least the Aestii reference does indicate that tribes with a limited supply of iron might very well have made good use of the club in battle.
Olaf Küppers - Histotainment, Event und Promotion - Germany

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