The last film you watched.... - Printable Version

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Re: The last film you watched.... - Jona Lendering - 08-19-2009

The Escapist. It has everything that's good in British cinema, and in great quantities. A good story, interesting characters who you might meet in actual life, good acting, and a completely unexpected twist at the end. Recommended.

Re: The last film you watched.... - Dutchhoplite - 08-19-2009

To many to mention but it's a weird mix of Norwegian/ British horror, Italian 70's slashers/ cannibals and some more recent movies like "Public enemies" and "Lesbian Vampire kilers".

Like this:

[Image: Gnaw_poster_01.jpg]


Re: The last film you watched.... - Jeroen Pelgrom - 08-24-2009

2 Russian oldies for me:

- Alexander Nevsky (1938) - by Sergei Eisenstein : [url:2wv1bpmd][/url]
- Earth (1930) - by Alexander Dovzhenko : [url:2wv1bpmd][/url]

Re: The last film you watched.... - Narukami - 09-13-2009

At the Cinema: Ponyo

This is a new hand-drawn animation feature film from Miyazaki Hayao.

The look of this film is truly remarkable. I like computer generated animation (like that done by Pixar) however hand drawn animation, when well done as here with Ponyo, has a charm that is difficult to beat.

Based somewhat loosely on the Hans Christian Andersen story of the Little Mermaid, this film is "international" enough to appeal to a broad audience and yet retains many Japanese cultural touchstones include the stylized line delivery by the title character Ponyo. As still done on the Kabuki stage, children deliver their lines in a clearly enunciated shout. It might at first seem somewhat jarring, but I found it particularly endearing.

Perhaps not as challenging as his film Spirited Away, Ponyo is a charming story told with style and heart and I recommend it.



Re: The last film you watched.... - Jeroen Pelgrom - 09-22-2009

saw "Maciste in Hell" - an Italian silent movie from 1926. Funny movie with great scenes of hell - inspired by paintings of Gustav Doré.

Re: The last film you watched.... - D B Campbell - 09-22-2009

Quote:saw "Maciste in Hell" - an Italian silent movie from 1926. Funny movie with great scenes of hell - inspired by paintings of Gustav Doré.
Sounds great. I wonder if Bartolomeo Pagano realised that he was creating a role for such greats as Steve Reeves, Reg Park, and (ultimately) The Governor himself! :wink:

Re: The last film you watched.... - Tarbicus - 09-22-2009

Quote:Goodbye Lenin! (for the third time). It remains a funny, sad, heart-breaking, serious, and light-hearted tragicomedy about love, hypocrisy, friendship, and a bit of politics. The speech by "Sigmund Jähn" remains one of the most beautiful statements of what it is to be human. If you haven't seen it yet: GO.
I agree with that. Great film!

One to watch: Gomorrah.

Re: The last film you watched.... - jvrjenivs - 09-22-2009

Looking for Eric.

A nice cult film I much enjoyed. Sometimes I found the storyline a little bit unexpected, but a nice one overall, but nothing for the big public. But a funny English movie with good humor.

Re: The last film you watched.... - Jeroen Pelgrom - 09-24-2009

Quote:Sounds great. I wonder if Bartolomeo Pagano realised that he was creating a role for such greats as Steve Reeves, Reg Park, and (ultimately) The Governor himself!

lol, i think he didn't. The movie Maciste in hell is only available from Grapevine Video: [url:2cosgzlo][/url]. Grapevine sell the more obscure silent movies (incl. the Italian 1913 version of Anthony and Cleopatra!) - my next order!

Re: The last film you watched.... - Titvs Statilivs Castvs - 10-01-2009

The Rock. Awesome movie, Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery are just brilliant in this one. Big Grin Hearing that music is a little bit dying... 8)

Re: The last film you watched.... - Jona Lendering - 10-01-2009

Quote:The Rock. Awesome movie,
The idea not to escape from Alcatraz but to enter it, was certainly brilliant!

Re: The last film you watched.... - Magnus - 10-02-2009

The Informant with Matt Damon. Good movie...he played a great role, though in hindsight I think it is more of a renter than one to see on the big screen.

Re: The last film you watched.... - Titvs Statilivs Castvs - 10-02-2009

Tomorrow it's The Departed on tv (VT4). I saw that one in cinema, and it's a brilliant plot with *what an end*. Confusedhock: Bit sad, can't see it, but I'll be in Wervik on the Gallo-Roman weekend. Big Grin

Re: The last film you watched.... - D B Campbell - 10-10-2009

Just watched Hable con ella (Talk to her, English subtitles, of course) -- verrrrrry strange. :!:

Re: The last film you watched.... - Iagoba - 10-11-2009

He made even stranger movies in the 80's... :roll:

Inglorious basterds

Too many plot absent where it should have been. No Basterds backgrounds or flashbacks (and that it's a shame). Used to Spaguetti westerns (and this is one), any bad excuse it's a good one to know why the good goy wants to kill the bad guy. The rest, it's just fun. Perhaps some scenes too long (the bar and the cinema) and others too short (what have been doing the Basterds between the 41 and 44?)

And Col. Landa (Christoph Waltz) eats all the basterds with mayonnaise.

PS: At least keeping some parts in German and French (among others...) it's a good move. The fake accent the rest of the time it's not.