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A roman short story part I
I apologize if this is somewhat inaccurate, exaggerated and fantastical, and if it is in the wrong spot but at least I tried Smile

Centurion Aquilus never knew what hit him. The Arcanius jumped down from the temple column and thrust his blade into the back of his targets neck... he too never knew what hit him the arcuballista bolt seemed to sprout by magic in his neck. He fell without a cry. I reloaded the arc' and walked over to the body's, not much to look at: One overweight Centurio, and one masked grey clad man with a spatha, everything about screamed him beaurau well actually everything about him screamed, Very dead. My name is Locus never mind my full name it's classified I went through the corpses' possesions, nothing I took the Arcanius' spatha and knife after dumping the body's into a nearby sewer. Then I made my leisurely way back to the Palatine the sunset was exquisite I reflected, framed between the buildings and the wall.

Aelia watched the Praetorian make his way back to the palace, he was a large man a confident powerful man. She sniffed it was her priestess talent something she had earned in a dark forest before she had been Aelia. The man smelled of leather, metal, and sweat and oil and something else, she frowned. The faint scent of a womans perfume where she had kissed him, huh. She jumped over a stall, not making a sound and followed him. When he was in range she took out her own Arcuballista, aimed at his broad back and fired...

To be continued Smile
..."Stercus sanctus!" yelled the Pretorian, " You stupid bloody woman! Nearly got me in the testiculii!".
Aelia giggled "Ooops! Silly me, I'm sooo vewwy vewwy sowwy Mr Woeman!" She twirled her platinum blonde hair around her finger and skipped towards the burly Pretorian, her lively bosoms almost spilling from their bronze cups. "I thought you were the nasty rotton Centurio Cassius Maximus.
"No dear," retorted the Pretorian, "I'm Gobius Spurius- what you got against Cassius ? Ran off without paying, hey?"
"How dare you!" snorted Aelia "I'm not some dumb ho! Respect!"
"OOEE! Hark at you!" smirked Gobius, "Well I haven't got time for all this frollicking, I'm off down the inn for a pint of Stellius and a packet of Porcus Scratchus, See ya later!"
Gobius threw his cloak jauntily over his big manly shoulders and turned away.
"Pretorian! Wait.." Aelia's shrill voice had gone, "You may want to hang around for a while..." she purred.
Gobius' eyes narrowed as he fixated on the now commanding demure woman that stood in the shadows........

:wink: :twisted:
Memmia AKA Joanne Wenlock.
Friends of Letocetum
I felt the bolt slam into the hamata under my tunic I threw myself behind a merchants stall. Another bolt whizzed past grazing my forehead, I made a vow to throttle the the idiot who decided for us not to where helmets undercover. I loaded my Arc' with the bolt from my would be killer's weapon who says men in black don't have a sense of humor? I guaged the position of the shot and then fired, My effort was rewarded with a startled cry I grinned then scuttled down the nearest alley

To be continued
Wow, and your still alive! Confusedhock:
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
The dude was wearing a hamata btw arcs' aren't that powerful

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