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How many Gladiator schools are there at the moment?
Been busy recently. Currently working on getting into shape for the next important local event. We can be found at the Roman Way. Currently undergoing reoganization. Ludas Texalis. Still growing/ growing pains.

Jeff Israelson
Legion X Fratensis
Gladiator School Of Texas
yeah had some computer problems recently. Our school will open it's doors this coming september.
Polemarch of the Spartiates: Aegiadae

Okay, we can now add Corbvlo to this list. We don't do gladiatoral dispays as our main thing, which still is religion and soldiers, but we've a nice set of gear and are training for some simple showfights.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Britannia in the UK, has a Familia Gladiatoria troupe! Our website is due for an update.

I fight as a Secutor named Barbaricus. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Big Grin D D

The photograph below was taken during my bout with Brecia at the English Heritage Festival of History at Kelmarsh by a French Photographer from the Etrusia_UK photo pool. last weekend

Simon Barnes :| <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" />:|
The history of gladiatorial combat in Australia begins in the 1930s in Sydney. ( i read about it in a newspaper clipping) Gladiators were the basis of the Ancient and Medieval Arts Society's founding in Sydney in 1972. Sadly they are no more but gave rise to the Sydney Ancients
Currently, in Australia, there is only one practicing "college" and that is in Brisbane. They are called "Pax Romana".
In Armidale (halfway between Sydney and Brisbane) we train as gladiators most weeks but only do shows with Pax once a year. There is a devoted gladiator known as "bronzeage Matt" who is constantly updating his kit and promoting gladiatorial sessions in the town of Lismore, Northern NSW. He intends to make his way to Europe and train with every school he can find, :twisted:
I also know of others who own kit but do not have the opportunity to use it as much as they would like.
I also believe there is a gladiatorial school in New Zealand.
Dont give up on trying to update this register. It is a great idea.
Richard Robinson
Hi All,

Looks like Richard covered the Australian history; I don’t know half of that as in my travels I haven’t seen any gladiators in Australia!

To add to Richards post……

I’m in the process of starting a new school and if possible would like to talk to all Australian groups and people with and interest in this.

If your on this Forum and would like to chat about gladiators in Australian please PM me.

Thanks to the current posters on this forum, you have provided much information.
Kit Houston

<a class="postlink" href="">

<a class="postlink" href="">
Update about our ludus

So our ludus finally has it's own website: [url:3fr24fry][/url]
Lots has changed since our beginning in 2008. I trained some good students into doctores
and now after a short break we expect some new grunts to follow the way of the gladiator
and do a lot more shows.

ps. Pls feel free to check it out and leave a message in our guestbook.
Polemarch of the Spartiates: Aegiadae

Sardinia it's here! Smile

my family, the memoriae milites from Cagliari, unique group of gladiator-fencing reenactors in Sardinia.
few, but tofy!
my warrior blog:
My Sardinian archeology blog:

Alessandro Atzeni. Nuragic, Roman and Medioeval reenactor.

my Family
Europe´s oldest Galdiator school (founded 1986!) ist still alive and travelling through Europe:

All the best,
From Italy since 1994 Ars Dimicandi works through Europe.
For 15 years, we working on reconstruction heavy ancient practice of athletics (boxing, wrestling, Pankration), of gladiatura and the Roman army.

For more informations [url:2wtiwqad][/url]
Rita Lotti
<a class="postlink" href="">
And we now also have a new website with for our gladiator displays. Unfortunatelly only in Dutch for the moment.

See: [url:f1qqochg][/url]

I'm pretty busy at the moment, but will see if I get the change to translate it into english some time soon...
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
While questing for images of helmets via google and yahoo i have finally stumbled upon thee flickt site where there are some great images from kind hearted folk. However i also spotted a gladiator combat in perth, western australia.
Little steps- but interest continues to grow.
There are some great pictures on all of your links guys and i see we are well spread around the world - even Australia (I know the Romans went to Southern India but I think maybe a Trireme missed Sri Lanka and ended up in Perth so maybe that would explain that one :lol: )

Keep up the good work one and all and lets see if any more get posted, maybe from the U.S.A.?
Ian Edge (Aurelius Lucius Brutus)

COH X. LEG XX. VV. Deva Victrix

:twisted: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil" />:twisted: [size=150:164tclsi]"He who desires peace, let him prepare for war." - Vegetius - Epitome of Military Science.[/size] :twisted: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil" />:twisted:
The first place I would go to learn gladiatorial fighting is with Brice Lopez in the south of France. His website is (I think - computing not being my strong point). I have attended several of his demonstations and one of his lessons (on unarmed fighting) at the Hemac Dijon event in Burgundy and it is mightily impressive stuff. His emphasis is very much on the recreation of the martial art rather than re-enactment.


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