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King Herod\'s bodyguards...
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Quote:I havent found Celts on the earlier wars of Greece with Persia.
Nor at the cervice of Persia, but I think there is a speculation, in the murder of Philip macedon, the knife who killed him was of celt origin.

In the Time of Alexander, he make frienship relationship with the Gauls of the Balkans to ensure his frontiers of Macedonia, later he recive a delegation of Gauls in Babylon, to decide of some things, probably to still making peace with the Conqueror, but I reed that the Celts were buying time, then After the desintegration of Alexander empire is when the Celts Gauls attacked Greece....

I do know by Josephus, that the roman emperor or whoever, give a present to Herod, a group of Gallic bodyguards(troops) in Jerusalem...

I found this in my osprey books. ... img431.jpg
[Image: img432.jpg]

...I am intriged by the idea of doing something with this fact in combination with my Gallic kit and the story of the birth of Jezus. ( I know it's a long shot)
But first I will need to have some questions answert.

I have been reading Jona Lenderings writings about King Herod, VI Ferrata and legio III Gallica...
So if Legio Gallica was rased in Gaul, are we talking about an Auxilia unit then??
And this gift of Gallic bodygaurds to Herod, wouldn't these guys simply have been a part of this legio III Gallica or maybe VI Ferrata.
Simply being left and put there by Mark Antony to secure Herod's place on the throne against the Jewes??

And then offcourse the question what would this bodygaurd have looked like??
They sort off came fress from gaul (10 years ago) so I would expect their kit was still recognisable as Celtic??
Or is this just wichfull thinking from my side and would this bodygaurd have looked like tall blond Roman legionairs with a strange accent?
Folkert van Wijk
Celtic Auxilia, Legio II Augusta.
With a wide interrest for everything Celtic BC
Osprey has a new release on the subject. It is a good short introduction. I got mine through AMAZON.COM.
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
I believe those Gauls were originally part of Cleopatra's bodyguard and Augustus gave them to Herod after Actium.
Also known as: Jeroen Leeuwensteyn Confusedhock: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt="Confusedhock:" title="Shocked" />Confusedhock:

"You see, in this world there\'s two kinds of people, my friend. Those armed with pila, and those who dig. You dig."
Quote:Osprey has a new release on the subject. It is a good short introduction. I got mine through AMAZON.COM.

Couold you be a little more specific about the title (ISBN) of this book, Amazone lists 167 (or something) osprey titles... Confusedhock:
Folkert van Wijk
Celtic Auxilia, Legio II Augusta.
With a wide interrest for everything Celtic BC
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M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.

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