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CastraRomana-Pompeii Feb 2-4, Mobile Alabama Official Invite
A copy of the official invite from the Exploreum. (Basically two Event Names: Castra Romana-Pompeii and Pompeii Dies Pro Vesuvius, to avoid confusion future posts and updates will appear here)





[Attention, all legions!

You are summoned to Mobile, a city in Alabama for 2 days

where you will partake in maneuvers and drills and

displays of offensive and defensive weapons.]

The Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center is pleased to invite Roman legion and gladiator reconstruction groups from throughout the southeast and the United States to participate in a living history tableau of a

Roman military encampment

Castra Romana – Pompeii

In historic downtown

Mobile, Alabama

February 3 and 4, 2007

The Exploreum is also honored to host the Legions, Gladiators, and their guests

At a private evening, Saturday, February 3 beginning at 5:30 p.m.

to include complementary admission to

o the international exhibition A Day in Pompeii, with guided tour;

o a virtual reality tour of Pompeii’s theater district;

o all Exploreum science galleries filled with fun hands-on science exhibits;

o the IMAX film Greece: Secrets of the past;

o a Roman dinner banquet prepared by culinary expert Lisa Holcomb-Blair

Check out for more information on the exhibition

The Castra Romana combined with the exhibition A Day In Pompeii provides an exceptional opportunity to educate the public on what daily life was like in a provincial first century A.D. Roman town and for the Roman armies that built the great Roman Empire.

With thanks to Justus Longinus, Legio VI, and to Daniel Peterson for advice and coordination of the event .


Encampment set-up begins Thursday February 1, 2007

Encampment location: Royal Street, immediately across from the Science Center Public hours: The encampment will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday

School group tours: (to be scheduled) Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For legion groups that are already encamped. The Exploreum expects to host some 400 K-12 students and teachers on regularly scheduled field trip tours of the exhibition on that one morning alone. Students will be from public and private schools from throughout south Alabama and Mississippi and from northeast Florida.


Mardi Gras: Note that Castra Romana–Pompeii coincides with the first weekend of Mobile’s 3-week-long Mardi Gras celebrations. Despite claims by New Orleans, the southern Mardi Gras tradition began first in Mobile in the late 1800s and has a long history in the city.

The Exploreum and the encampment site are located along the traditional Mardi Gras parade route.

The first secret society or Crewe to parade each year are the Condi Cavaliers. They have kindly invited Castra Romana legion and gladiator participants to march with them this year in the opening night parade – starting 5:30 p.m. Friday. Details to be provided.

Two other parades (beads please!) are set for the Saturday evening and will pass directly beside the Exploreum.


The Exploreum offers all participants complementary overnight campover privileges in the museum galleries from Thursday to Sunday night. The floors may be hard but the place is warm and secure and conveniently located beside the encampment site. Washrooms (sorry no showers) and staff lunch room with stove, fridge and washer/drier also available.

Motel accommodation.

The Exploreum’s group sales coordinator Debra Garlo ( [email protected] ) is exploring discounted or affordable accommodations at the nearby Brookley Conference Center or area motels. More details to be provided as soon as available.

Vendors of Roman Wares are also invited to attend!

For more information about participating in the event, please contact Rusty Myers at [email protected] or 843-437-5587

and be sure to visit the website:

For information about Mobile and the Exploreum, contact [email protected]



The Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to improving science literacy in the Gulf Coast Region and to presenting major international exhibitions from world-class museums and institutions. The Exploreum opened in 1998 and hosts about 200,000 visitors a year, including about 40,000 to 50,000 K-12 students on field trips.
official invites are in the mail for those who provided addresses, and a schedule of events is now up on the website.
Hotel contact and info, as well as the schedule is now posted on the web,
Pre-Registration is due January 14th!! This is to insure you get a spot at the Grand Roman Banquet!! In order for us to have a good solid count on the number of attendees, we are asking everyone to complete a pre-registration form. This will assist us greatly in planning camping arrangements as well as the grand roman Feast.

Pre-registrations are due no later than 14 January (you can still come if not pre-registered, but we cannot p[romise you a seat at the banquet!)

Groups that are attending may simply list all members on the online form on the under REENACTOR REGISTRATION. You can cut and paste it, email it, or download and fill it in all neat, what is important is the numbers and names. Vendors should also register by 14 January and may find that form under VENDOR REGISTRATION. It is not necessary to do both forms if you plan to vend and re-enact. One is enough. The event is shaping up very nicely, we just need everyone to let us know they are coming!
Deepeeka's US Distributor, Gift International, will be setting up a booth at the Castra Romana-pompeii Event in February. Let's all be sure to show our support of these guys who are doing so much to make our hobby better!!

Form is on the website,

So far 65 Romans registered, 85 for Feast, plus the Barbarians! Shaping up nicely.

Remember: You do NOT have to pre-register to attend, this is just so we have an idea how much to prepare for the feast and camping!!!!!
Questions? Ask soon!!
See you there!!!!!!!!!!
All I got to say is this was an awesome event!
Sean Marcum

Roma Victrix! 
It certainly was!!! I just got home a few hours ago and I can definitely say
it was well worth the effort. An excellent job by the museum organizers and Justus Longinus(Rusty Myers) who handled things from the Roman reenactor side. I got to meet RAT members I'd spoken to only online and it was a thrill. We attended the RAT breakfast this morning and everyone signed the roster,so we'll be able to give our fraterii in Europa the names soon as everyone gets home. I personnally took some photos of not only the event but also the breakfast. I'll try to get them posted as soon as I'm able. Romans from all over the U.S. attended. Last,but not least, was the Pompeii exhibit itself. I especially enjoyed seeing the Roman stove and oven made of clay.Wonderful artifacts and the sad remains of several people(casts),but to me the poor dog,still chained, who was roasted alive was so moving. Laudes to every member who organized this great event.
Andy Booker

Gaivs Antonivs Satvrninvs

Andronikos of Athens
News coverage of the event online at:


It was a fun event, and good to meet fellow RAT'ers we only know by screen name. I believe the final gate count was around 2,000 visitors for the weekend.
aka Chris Stewart
[Image: 43ef68_2f6cc79f005f46bc8d9f47d13dd81201~mv2.png]
Despite being wiped out from the Mardis Gras parade Fri and having my feet nearly inoperable, I too had a great time meeting all and drilling and whatnot. The Pompeii exhibit was incredible....If anyone missed thier chance, it's still up until June I think, and I heard it'll move onto San Diego (?) sometime afterwards...So IX Hispana and VI Victrix may want to consider that... Big Grin

Thanks to Exploreum people and the Legions who attended! It was a blast!

*tosses beads*
Andy Volpe
"Build a time machine, it would make this [hobby] a lot easier."
Legion III Cyrenaica ~ New England U.S.
Higgins Armory Museum 1931-2013 (worked there 2001-2013)
(Collection moved to Worcester Art Museum)

More comments and commentary to follow.
[Image: RAT_signature2.png]
The event was just as awesome as it was cold! I especially had a good time becasue it was the first event that I got to play Optio in. (Sorry to all that had to drill under me!) It was really good to see other re-enactors that I had never seen before. Especially David Willis and his group. Although, I wish I could have fought him in the arena, it was still good to see him.

The exhibit was very cool! The main thing I wanted to see with the body casts of the victims. I enjoyed the rest of the exhibit but the thing I really wanted to see was that, the body casts. To actually see a cast of a man were you could see the peice of cloth around his mouth to breathe and each individual figure is just breathe taking!

At the RAT breakfast it was good to see the faces of everyone that I had talked to! Plus the food was good too.

Congrats to the museum for pulling out all the stops for us and making tha event that much more enjoyable!!!!
Joshua B. Davis

Marius Agorius Donatus Minius Germanicus
Optio Centuriae
Legio VI FFC, Cohors Flavus

"Do or do not do, their is no try!" Yoda

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