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The last film you watched....
Slumdog Millionaire

A well made film, well acted and I liked the use of the show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire as a framing device. However, the story breaks no new ground and very quickly you realize where the course of events is leading, a path from which it does not deviate. We have seen this story before. For those of you who have been to India it might resonate differently, perhaps more strongly, than it did with me.

Not a bad film at all, but I do wonder about all the accolades it is collecting. Best Film of the Year? Not for me but still a worthwhile trip to the cinema.


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Trans-Siberian. Now this is Hollywood bias towards everything Russia at its best. Tongue
[size=75:wtt9v943]Susanne Arvidsson

I have not spent months gathering Hoplites from the four corners of the earth just to let
some Swedish pancake in a purloined panoply lop their lower limbs off!
- Paul Allen, Thespian

[Image: partofE448.jpg]
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

A very interesting film.

On the surface it bears some resemblance to Forest Gump, but that quickly passes as the story unfolds. This is a poem to the passage of time and a reaffirmation that life is both short and unpredictable so do that which you most love no matter your age.

I found it to be quite melancholy but my wife saw it as life affirming and very positive.

Some critics are talking Best Film of the Year -- perhaps, though that is always a difficult call. Back in 1977, when his film Annie Hall was nominated for the Best Film Oscar, Woody Allen was told by his agent that he should attend the Academy Awards. Allen challenged his agent: "Tell me how you can compare Annie Hall to Star Wars." Of course his agent could not and Mr. Allen did not attend.

I enjoyed the Curious Case -- time & money well spent.


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Quote:The Day The Earth Stood Still ... They have updated the story using the environment as the trigger and that works as a story device. As might be expected the effects are well done, but the acting is only OK.
I have little to add to it; I constantly had the feeling I was looking at a movie. It did not come to live. And I think that the conclusion, that mankind still has a chance to survive, is so implausibly optimistic that it becomes ridiculous.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Yeah well, if we succumb to despair, all is lost, Hans! Or Jona! Cheer up!
Things can only get better! :wink:
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Italian gore from the late seventies: Zombie Holocaust

Cannibals, boobs and zombies...

Great stuff!!

Also known as: Jeroen Leeuwensteyn Confusedhock: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt="Confusedhock:" title="Shocked" />Confusedhock:

"You see, in this world there\'s two kinds of people, my friend. Those armed with pila, and those who dig. You dig."
Quote:Cannibals, boobs and zombies...

Great stuff!!


You want a hit film? Fill it with Zombies.

I can not think of a single film that would not benefit by having a few zombies added to the cast.

Casablanca -- "Everyone comes to Rick's Zombie Cafe."
The Day the Zombie Stood Still
The Curious Case of Benjamin Zombie
Slumdog Zombie
The Usual Zombies

What a "feast" for the eyes...


David Reinke
Burbank CA
At the theatre: Valkyrie

High production value (they got the uniforms correct and the JU88's look good) with a cast of well known actors in all parts, yet the film was, for me at least, not very engaging. This is not Downfall or The Wannsee Conference (the German film not the HBO one). Both of those films are more fascinating and more gut wrenching than Valkyrie.

One critic noted that the less you know about the history of the July 20 Plot the more you will enjoy the film, and I think that may be right. Certainly, knowing how the war ends adds some interesting aspects to watching the plotters and the loyalists maneuver for position.

Not a bad film but not a particularly noteworthy one either. The director did far more interesting work with The Usual Suspects, and most of the actors have done better work as well. (For fans of the HBO Rome series the actor who played the part of Pompey Magnus here plays Field Marshal Keitel.)

One surprise: in the film all the security at the Wolf's Lair compound is handled by the German Army -- I had always thought it was the responsibility of the Waffen-SS. Now the film makers have trumpeted their exhaustive research and quest for historical accuracy, so I can only assume that they are correct about these security arrangements...but I still have my doubts. Perhaps one of our knowledgeable Forum members can shed some light on this.


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Quote:Not a bad film but not a particularly noteworthy one either. The director did far more interesting work with The Usual Suspects, and most of the actors have done better work as well. (For fans of the HBO Rome series the actor who played the part of Pompey Magnus here plays Field Marshal Keitel.)
and Hitler used to be Cicero. :lol:
--- Marcus F. ---
Hamlet 2; your life won't be poorer if you fail to see it, but it's entertaining. The second half is better than the first one, Elisabeth Shue has a nice cameo, and the idea to make an "inspirational teacher movie" in which the teacher is educated by his students works out well. So it's worth its money, but nothing more.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
At the cinema: The Spirit

All Style and very little Substance

A couple of amusing bits, and costumes but little else.

Mindless, harmless nonsense

:? oops: :wink:

David Reinke
Burbank CA
The Song of the Sparrows; an Iranian movie that is a bit like Italian neo-realism. Enjoyable.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Killer clowns from outer space.. excellent b-movie!

Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
Watched DAS BOOT for the fourth time. What an incredible movie :!: This time saw it on a big screen TV with 5 speaker surround sound and subwoofer. Wow :!:
Iosephus Augustus/
Joseph Augustus Clark
Quote:Watched DAS BOOT for the fourth time. What an incredible movie :!: This time saw it on a big screen TV with 5 speaker surround sound and subwoofer.
Which will probably make that scene when the boat is on the bottom of the sea, and you hear those cracking noises, even more frightening. It is one of the best movies I know. Yes, you can easily see it four times.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website

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