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An Inscription from Aquileia
The siege of Aquileia in AD 238 is described in detail by Herodian (here) - the city defended itself for about two months against the army of Maximinus Thrax, in support of the senatorial candidates Pupienus and Balbinus. Herodian says that the defence was led by two veteran senators, Crispinus and Meniphilus, and implies that it was conducted almost entirely by the townspeople (although the Historia Augusta does mention a few soldiers being present).

The inscription below, from Aquileia and dated to the same year (dedicated to Pupienus and Balbinus, plus young Gordian Caesar) appears to name two military officers who aided the defence in some way. My inscription-reading is pretty ropey, though, and I wondered if somebody might be able to offer a more accurate translation of the last part.

AE 1934, 0230 (Aquileia)
I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / Iunoni Minervae / Marti Protector(i) Victor(i) / pro salute et victoria / ddd(ominorum) nnn(ostrorum) / Impp(eratorum) Caesarum / [[M(arci) Clodi Pupieni et / D(ecimi) Caeli Calvini / Balbini Auggg(ustorum) et / M(arci) Antoni Gordiani / nobiliss(imi) Cae(saris) / ex voto / Fl(avius) Servilianus a mil(itiis) / et Fl(avius) Adiutor / praef(ectus) coh(ortis) I Ulpiae / Galatarum praeposit(i) / militum agentium / in protensione Aquileia(e)

Servilianus is described as 'a militiis' - does this simply mean he was an equestrian officer? Adiutor is a prefect, but it doesn't mention whether his cohort was with him or not. Does the last phrase mean something like 'commanders of the military forces in the protection of Aquileia'? Would this probably refer to the siege itself, or some more general activity?

Lastly, is it at all likely that the Flavius Salvianus named above is the same man who appears on this inscription from Mainz:

CIL 13, 06814
D(is) M(anibus) / T(iti) Fl(avi) Salviani / ex praef(ecto) explora/torum Divitiensium / militiae quartae / equiti Romano / Baebius Isidorus /(centurio) leg(ionis) amico / f(aciendum) c(uravit)

'militiae quartae' (I presume) means that he had completed the three stages of the equestrian cursus and was now on his fourth - but prefect of a numerus of exploratores seems strange for such an exalted position! This same unit are described as 'Gordiana' on another inscription, so the date might be about right.

Any help much appreciated! Confusedmile:
Nathan Ross
Quote:Servilianus is described as 'a militiis' - does this simply mean he was an equestrian officer?
a militiis seems to be a late-ish phrase (Severan+) to indicate that a man had completed his equestrian military service. As far as I can tell.

Quote:Does the last phrase mean something like 'commanders of the military forces in the protection of Aquileia'? Would this probably refer to the siege itself, or some more general activity?
I'd guess more generally. But the inscription is dated to AD 238 (the time of the siege). The milites who had been entrusted with the defence of Aquileia probably came from Adiutor's cohort. (I'd guess.)

Quote:Lastly, is it at all likely that the Flavius Salvianus named above is the same man who appears on this inscription from Mainz
Different name?
posted by Duncan B Campbell
IIRC the numerus exploratorum (germaniacianorum) divitiensium was stationed at Niederbieber. Heising says it was there from ca. 221 till at least 239.
Besides your source ( CIL XIII 6814 ), Heising gives us CIL XIII 7750, CIL XIII 7751 and
CIL XIII 11979, referring to dates year 221AD, 222-235AD and 238-244.
He further referrs to M. Reuter, Studien zu den Numeri des römischen Heeres in der mittleren Kaiserzeit Bericht RGK 80, 1999, 357-369 ( Studies on the Numeri of the Roman Army during ( late ?!) High Empire) in that.
From what I remember from the Limes Kolloquium 2010, this paper changed the perception of Numeri as "low-key" units, giving way to viewing some of the as "Special Units" , which is the case with that numerus exploratorum divitiensium,more of an elite unit than "the scum"
of the roman Army. I don't have this paper so I can't go on herewith, but I think that
the statue of Gordian III found at Niederbieber may shed a certain light on the affair
you are dealing with.
Hoping this helped a bit.
Greez & Goodnight


>> Alexander Heising, Perspektiven der Limesforschung am Beispiel des Kastells Niederbieber , in Tongueeter Henrich, Perspektiven der Limesforschung ; 5. Kolloquium der Deutschen Limeskommission, KÖLN 2009; Theiss-Verlag Stuttgart 2011
A. Heising, Perspectives of Research on the Limes as demonstrated on the Kastell Niederbieber, in : Perspectives of researching the Limes .......
Siggi K.
Quote:The milites who had been entrusted with the defence of Aquileia probably came from Adiutor's cohort. (I'd guess.)
Is that implied by the inscription, would you say? I think the cohort in question was supposed to be in Syria at the time (although... third century crisis... who knows?)

Quote:Different name?
Ach, rats - you're quite right! That's what comes of staring at inscription texts too long, you go word-blind and wishful thinking gets to work :oops: It's a shame though - Mr Servilianus would have fitted rather nicely there, right date, rank and everything. Don't suppose I could blame the carver for making a mistake? No? Oh well...

Quote:"Special Units" , which is the case with that numerus exploratorum divitiensium, more of an elite unit than "the scum" of the roman Army.
Thanks - that might explain why they were being commanded by a man with the rank to lead a milliarian ala! If only it was the same man as the first inscription... :neutral:
Nathan Ross
Sorry Nathan,
.....Morpheus made me do it... :oops:
I actually made a mistake or two:
1. ...Reuters works is in fact 200 pages (!) longer (>569 !) and
2. It was actually M.Speidel who promoted the numeri as "special units" first and foremost.
(Tja, sometimes good ideas need a lot of time to "sink" into scholarly's (sub-?)concience :mrgreen: )
M.P. Speidel : Exploratores. Mobile Elite Units of Roman Germany. In: Epigraphische Studien
13, (Köln/Bonn 1983), 63-78. ( Heising lists that one, too !)
So chances are you may encounter that certain Mr./Col. Titus Flavius Salvianus again, somewhere.

Siggi K.
Quote:It was actually M.Speidel who promoted the numeri as "special units" first and foremost.
I'm really going to have to read more Speidel! Just about everything I'm looking at these days seems to refer back to him in some way... :wink:
Nathan Ross
Quote:...Reuters works is in fact 200 pages (!) longer (>569 !)
I'm going to need a new photocopying card! Confusedhock:
posted by Duncan B Campbell

The inscription you are quoting celebrate the victory of the senatorial army over Maximinus at Aquileia. It was set up between Maximinus' death and the end of Pupianus and Balbinus' reign (mid-april 238 - early may of the same year).
I am afraid Servilianus and Adiutor did not took part in the defense of Aquilae. They were actually in command of Pupianus' vanguard witch was sent forward (in protensione) to harass Maximinus' troops while the bulk of the senatorial army was based at Ravenna .
The word praetensio/protensio has been studied by M. Christol in a little article : "Qasr El-Azraq et la reconquête de l'Orient par Aurélien", in Syria 78, 2001. pp. 163-178. It is rather caracteristic of the third century context and finds parallels in three inscriptions : AE 1987, 964 = AE 1994, 1797 = AE 1996, 1623 = AE 2001, 1976 ; CIL VIII, 9047 ; CIL VII, 634 = RIB 1152 = AE 1998, 857.


Thanks Michael, that's helpful indeed!

I notice that CIL VIII, 9047 is Gargilius Martialis, another very interesting equestrian officer.
Nathan Ross

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