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Stone\'s Alexander
Full Metal Cuirass!<br>
'This is my gladius ...'<br>
Muzzaguchi <p></p><i></i>
Murray K Dahm


\'\'\'\'No matter how many you kill, you cannot kill your successor\'\'\'\' - Seneca to Nero - Dio 62

\'\'\'\'There is no way of correcting wrongdoing in those who think that the height of virtue consists in the execution of their will\'\'\'\' - Ammianus Marcellinus 27.7.9
Ahem... The problem with Full Metal Jacket is that it was shot in the suburbs of London and it shows..<br>
The boot camp part was ok, though.<br>
But I like Kubrick very much, besides that one and a few others..<br>
2001 Space Odyssey is one of my all times favourites. <p></p><i></i>
Oh Kubrick! He was so great, a giant, or THE giant.<br>
I remember that my father was invited at the Italy first presentation of "2001, a space odissey" party (1968, I was 11). The day after he gave me his invitation card (graphically fantastic! An updated 60/70s minimalist graphic design that impressed me forever). That card had on the semi-transparent cover the famous image of the shuttle approaching to the orbital station (did you remember the furniture design in the station and the hostess? I loved them with the grip shoes). I put immediately it on the wall of my room: it remained there till I married and left my home, 30 years after!<br>
Tituts Sabatinus Aquilius<br>
TITVS/Daniele Sabatini

... Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget Gens Aurea mundo,
casta faue Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo ...

Vergilius, Bucolicae, ecloga IV, 4-10
[Image: PRIMANI_ban2.gif]
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I too remember the opening of 2001 and I still have two copies of the publicity book that were available in the theatre lobby. On the front was the artwork of the space station (that was on the original album cover) and on the back was a four photo sequence of the shuttle's flight attendant doing the "velcro-walk" around the hatch into the passenger compartment.<br>
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp To all else; the gauntlet has been thrown. I'm working on a Latin "This is my rifle; this is my gun" for all us reenactors with a sense of humor (the legions had them) but the translation cannot be exact, obviously. The most obvious wordplay involves the literal meaning of "vagina;" the bane of all Latin teachers of Virgil and Æneidos, Bk. 1. It was especially funny in Catholic schools; priests or nuns dreaded the landing on the Libyan coast.<br>
Wade Heaton<br>
Lucius Cornelius Libo<br>
[email protected] <br> <p></p><i></i>
I LOVE the idea of a "This is my Weapon, This is my Gun..." chant on FMJ made into Latin. Good luck!<br>
Oh, yes, yes!<br>
Please, post it when ready (and with musical notation, if possible )<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
I found an old article on the Oliver Stone movie that might still be of some relevance: [url:maye7e0p][/url].
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
interesting...I will be checking out some of that information....
I just finished Valerio M. Manfredi's Alexander Trilogy and according to the footnotes he carried out a lot of research and field work to try to give a fair portrayal.
Although the stories are written from the Macedonian point of view, the Persians and allied forces are treated with respect and Alexander comes over as being a b....... at times.
He does have the 365 concubines in there however.... lol:
It's a pity the Dino de Laurentis film based on this trilogy is on ice right now.
Actually, I love the Alexander film and was hoping for the Directors Cut as an Xmas gift, but my daughter found them sold out when looking......
so am online right now instead of watching Gaugamela ..... lol
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
I just looked at the rather impressive Official Website [url:2jbkhsws][/url] for the first time in a while, and downloaded the rather nice 'Xtreme desktop'.....which is running on 'low mode' of course Big Grin 2jbkhsws][/url]
Interactive with background sound and changeable map/wallpaper...including the Phalanx.
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon

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