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V century impression
Quote:My 5th century Western Roman veterani impression research continues

Hy Restitutus!!!!
I'm Carme Rodriguez, I'm a member of Legio I Germanica( multiperiod); but the civil part we dedicate to reconstructing the imperial court of Galla Placidia and Valentinian III.( S.V)
We are starting recreating other S.V's activities.
If you want to see some photos you will be able to see them in the web of fectio and in ours.

A kiss!
Carme/Aelia Galla Placidia :wink:
[Image: vexilium.jpg]
Quote:If you want to see some photos you will be able to see them in the web of fectio and in ours.
So when are I germanica updating theur website with a gallery? Big Grin

Quote:A kiss!
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Restitvtvs:7fvqyjjr Wrote:My 5th century Western Roman veterani impression research continues

Hy Restitutus!!!!
I'm Carme Rodriguez, I'm a member of Legio I Germanica( multiperiod); but the civil part we dedicate to reconstructing the imperial court of Galla Placidia and Valentinian III.( S.V)
We are starting recreating other S.V's activities.
If you want to see some photos you will be able to see them in the web of fectio and in ours.

A kiss!
Carme/Aelia Galla Placidia :wink:

Estimada Carme:

¡Muchas gracias por su ayuda! Big Grin D D

Otro punto (Laud) para Ud. +r
Wm. / *r
GALLA PLACIDIA:4hvopzon Wrote:If you want to see some photos you will be able to see them in the web of fectio and in ours.
So when are I germanica updating their website with a gallery? Big Grin

Quote:A kiss!
Hey! We already did it!! Check the Archeon MMVI new gallery!! :wink:
And the evolution of the army as well.
[Image: 120px-Septimani_seniores_shield_pattern.svg.png] [Image: Estalada.gif]
Ivan Perelló
[size=150:iu1l6t4o]Credo in Spatham, Corvus sum bellorum[/size]
GALLA PLACIDIA:1uqh1iub Wrote:If you want to see some photos you will be able to see them in the web of fectio and in ours.
So when are I germanica updating theur website with a gallery? Big Grin

Quote:A kiss!

MMMM, jeje!, 8)

Restitvtvs: Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!
I have a lot of illusion in being able to make something very big! The S.V is fantastic!!! And I would like to have help of all kinds, civil, militarily, politically, etc...
We have begun with Galla Placidia's court, but we want to make the project bigger and to be able to show, didactically, the end of the Roman empire, you will help me?
Now I am going to begin with the imperial thrones, but they are accepted suggestions!

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Image: vexilium.jpg]
Hi, Carme: I would be glad to help. Smile

S.V.: Huns, different Germanic tribes, Gallo-Romans, Celts, and other groups on the move; major social, political, economic, and quality of life changes; Christianity's continuing rise & spread; Paganism's persistence; real, figurehead, and puppet emperors in the west; Theodosius II & others in the east; shifting alliances & balances between government, military, paramilitary, and the Church; etc.

I'm compiling a list of 5th century Western Roman Empire famous persons, key occupations/position titles, clothing, personal & household items, furniture, artwork, etc. for living history and reenactments.

Of course, we already have two persons for the list... you & Val III. Smile

With my work & family commitments, and with sooooo much information, it will take quite a while to compile the list from memory & many sources.

Please check the draft list: http://URL will be updated

What would you like to add, expand, reduce, delete, otherwise change, etc?
Wm. / *r
In your web I can only see the name ( famous person) and ocupation, but i can't enter in " the clothe", " personal items", etc... Sad
What have I to do?
[Image: vexilium.jpg]
That is a plain HTML webpage, so let's look at interactive options.

I'm glad that you would like to make changes yourself! Smile

I will create a new RAT topic/thread for this list.

You could (1) copy & paste the "old" list into a new document, (2) make the changes that you want, and (3) then post the "new" list into the same RAT topic/thread.

That would also allow me to make additional changes to post updated versions.

I will create the new RAT topic/thread today.

We could also do this by RAT PMs, then post updates. If you prefer this or another options, then please let me know. Smile
Wm. / *r
My RL "situations" continue to decline, with irrevocable losses... C'est la vie.

I still think it's better to be above the grass instead of below it! Big Grin

Accordingly, I have further revised my 5th century plans.

I'm using the name "Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus" (also known as "Saint Jerome" and "G_d's grouch") for my 5th century Western Roman living history & reenactment impressions. Big Grin

Clean break. I release claim on "Legio III Italica pars inferiori, Castra Regina" since I will be civilian, non-veterani. No Bishop "Germanicvs" for me.

My St. Jerome impression fits well with my Late Roman & Early Christianity studies. The "grouch" part is too easy. :oops: This impression is less expensive Smile oops:

I'll use name "Restitvtvs" for my more frequent, simpler 1st & 5th century impressions (cleric, monk, painter, and scribe).

I have plenty of relevant references for the St. Jerome impression, but I need much more "free" time. I have few suitable period reproduction items, so I will soon start looking for more. When I have finished my "draft shopping" list, I plan to post it in a new RAT topic/thread.

Helpful recommendations appreciated as always.

Pax vobiscvm, +r
Wm. / *r
Hang in there William!

We have veterans enough, your 'new' Jerome impression will be an entirely novel one! Go for it!
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
You have helped ease some of the pains. That is a true blessing. Pax tecvm, r (William)
Wm. / *r
Thanks Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus!!!!!!!!!!

I'll do something!!! :wink:
[Image: vexilium.jpg]

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