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Suggest a name for a new magazine!
Oops! you welcome!.

That is true.... But I'm in those days of my period! :lol:
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
Quote:Well put Matt. Currently I favor Phalanx, since:
a) it is a generally known term
b) represents the mod of Classical Greek warfare and by development the Hellenistic one
c) it represents early Roman warfare
d) in a way the manipular legion is a reaction/development of the phalanx
e) there are strong indications that some sort of first line phalanx made its way back into the legion from the 2nd C AD onwards
f) Late Roman formations seem a further development of this.

Hmm, you seem to have read Wheeler's articles.. I agree, but still.. Phalanx sound Greek to me, and I'm a Roman at heart. Big Grin My vote goes to Acies.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)

Ancient Warriors

The dawn of the warrior

The Fallen still live

Warriors of Old

Might of the solder


True Warrior

Golden warriors

The iron soldier or Iron age warriors


Hellenistic warriors

The classical warrior

And if I don’t win a subscription, that ok, I’ll pay for one. How do I sign up?
Ancient powers

Gods of warfare

Battle formation

The dawn of warfare

Mind of the General

Empire’s soldiers

Help...I cant stop thinking about it.
Quote:'Phalanx' doesn't pack any punch for me.

Ah, the Anatomical Pun of the Month prize goes to this man... ;-)

Quote:That's only my initial reaction, but that's often what counts. 'Ancient Warfare' or 'Ancient Miltary" or 'Ancient Soldier' or 'Ancient Armies', etc, says it all, and doesn't leave any question marks in the potential reader's mind.

I agree - it is always best if it 'does what it says on the tin' so if what it says on the tin is gibberish, it isn't doing its job. Did like the Boobies suggestion, though; an inspired marketing strategy worthy of Prentiss McCabe.

Mike Bishop
You know my method. It is founded upon the observance of trifles

Blogging, tweeting, and mapping Hadrian\'s Wall... because it\'s there
An interesting name for the magazine would be

Gaius Germanicus / aka A. Ingoglia
Bare Legs (Men in tunics) Just kidding
The Phalanx title already has a wargame with that title, also a video game, and a magazine... (from Amazon) Military Operations Research - Incls Phalanx [MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION]
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
I thought that Ars Belli would be a good name, but since the idea is to get an english name, why not "The ancient art of war"?

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