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Canakkale Persian armour reconstruction
I've seen this sarcophagus relief a couple of times and every time it made me wonder about how the hell it might've worked. From my (certainly limited) real life experience with armour, it didn't seem plausible to me that this would be a metal armour or that it would be all in one piece. Even though there seem to be no seams carved, I made the arm guards separate. I don't believe they are sleeves, they look flat and the way it's carved doesn't look like sleeves. Also it seems very stiff and unusable if they were sleeves.
I also made the neck guard lower, and while it's most likely wrong (the proportions in the image seem fairly realistic), it just looked more right to me. Big Grin (silly, I know)
I made it leather, but I guess it could be covered in scales. I just didn't see any hint of scales in the relief.
I wonder if the akinakes strapped to the leg is wrong (am I seeing things? Is it actually hanging from a belt? I don't have a good picture of the relief, sadly), from what I know, it's a saka thing to wear it like that, right?

Anyways, it's not supposed to be a precise reconstruction, more like an artistic re-imagination. I painted it today very quickly, because a friend of mine is making a mod for Mount and Blade and he had no reconstruction paintings or drawings of this.
I'll be really happy to read whatever you awesome RAT guys think of it. Smile

[Image: PersianCavalryArmor.jpg]
Jan Pospisil - fantasy/historical/archaeology illustration
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Canakkale Persian armour reconstruction - by Jan Pospisil - 11-17-2010, 03:23 PM

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