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New discovery: loricas segmentatas Leon, Spain
For anyone that doesn't speak Spanish or have Google Translator:

"Veronica vineyards | Lion 12/05/2012

The headquarters of the NACC, evicted by the city for months, hiding a real 'treasure' Roman. The excavations are being carried out on the property, which in future will become a classroom archaeological Roman Lion, have unearthed fragments of a dozen armor of soldiers of the Legio VII. A true 'mine'.

Some findings unprecedented, according to local archaeologist, Victorino Garcia, "both the quantity and the quality of armor that have appeared." And that little has been excavated in a small part in this side of the building, so that new discoveries are not ruled out in the coming days, which would make the Victor Casona de los Rios in an enclave of exceptional value.

In the plot of 800 square meters is in the rear of the building and appeared in the late nineties the first evidence of the existence of the Legio VI. In this excavation was extracted from the shell of a legionnaire, which today can be seen in a showcase at the Museum of León.

A year ago Decolesa workers, a company that is restoring the Castle Gate building, discovered in the basement of the mansion of Victor Rivers a lamp (oil lamp) and remnants of three other Roman armor.

Now, on the part of the mansion he occupied for decades, the NACC, there have been important parts of lorica segmentata, the armor used by the Roman soldiers.

This is a type of armor that marked a revolution, because they dismounted with ease - releasing the buckles and fasteners, which fitted with leather straps, it was more comfortable to wear, you could save in a smaller space and therefore, it was easier to carry, since it was possible to separate it into four sections.

The name of the breastplate worn by the legionaries - lorica segmentata- refers to the division into metal plates of armor carrying the legions in the heyday, and they were very expensive and required skilled blacksmiths in their making. A finding unusual

To assess the significance of findings of Santa Marina should be borne in mind that one of the greatest archeological landmarks was the discovery in 1964, excavations at Corbridge (United Kingdom), fragments of three loricas.

Only the legionaries, and sometimes the Praetorians, wore armor as found in the mansion of Victor de los Rios. The auxiliary forces, however, carried the lorica hamata (chain mail) or lorica squamata (scale armor of overlapping metal). Due to its particular structure, the construction of the lorica segmentata was very expensive, hence, between the II and III, this type of armor used stopped.

Work on the future home of Leo Romano, who started seven years ago, will last until 2013, after the Ministry of Culture has enabled a batch of 568,610 euros for this year and another 654,258 euros for the next."
Quintus Furius Collatinus


Messages In This Thread
Re: New discovery: loricas segmentatas Leon, Spain - by Matt Collettivs Ave - 05-13-2012, 08:49 PM
Re: New discovery: loricas segmentatas Leon, Spain - by topdump - 05-15-2012, 11:06 PM

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