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Crisis of the 3rd Century&Growing Dangers of Trade
Good evening gentlemen,

I was just able to squeeze my question into the Subject line but I feel my questions may be a bit vague to some of you. I will try and be specific and provide my sources. Feel free to answer a question or two. What ever your area of expertise is in. 8+)

First let me begin with some context, according to MappingHistory "For two centuries following the death of Augustus (AD 14-235), the Mediterranean world experienced a singular period of peace and stability. Thereafter (AD 235-285), internal conflicts and foreign invasions overwhelmed and nearly destroyed the Empire." it was a time of great instability and general fear for the Roman people. I present an image of the divided empire in 271 AD.


The Gallic empire was a breakaway area founded by Postumus in 260AD that incorporated Gaul, Britannia and some areas of Germania.. It even covered Hispana at its height. It also produced its own coinage in an effort to state their sovereignty over the Roman Empire. It was retaken by the Romans under Aurelian in 274AD.

Galic Empire coinage



1. Did Postumus & his followers revolt because of Rome's inability to protect them during the barbarian invasions? Or was it out of greed and power? Or both?
2. With the growing dangers of trade between the provinces and Rome, did this danger help contribute to the extended economic deppresion of the crisis?
3. Why were their so many emperors?!

By the way, this is a daft and I am new to the subject. if any information is incorrect, feel free to inform me. Smile

Thank you all for reading my post. 'Thank you's' will be awarded!


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Augustine J. Celestino

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Crisis of the 3rd Century&Growing Dangers of Trade - by Augustine - 01-09-2015, 04:11 PM

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