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Crisis of the 3rd Century&Growing Dangers of Trade

To answer your questions, I am posting here.

Question #1:

Postumus and his followers revolted because they had recently defeated a large force of Juthungians and had captured much booty. Saloninus told Postumus to give the booty to the emperor but Postumus refused, instead giving his soldiers the chance to revolt and gave the booty to them. So it was for greed as well as for power.

Question #2:

The Economic Crisis of this time was largely caused by many factors including debasement of the currency, constant invasions, and many more reasons. Trade continued to the Gallic Empire, so the effects were not crushing.

Question #3:

There were so many emperors because it was not the emperors who were the real power: it was the praetorian guard and the soldiers. They elevated and executed emperors at will, and the only way for an emperor to secure his position was to keep the soldiers happy.

Hope this helps, Jason.

Hey Jason, thanks for replying to my thread.

I assume Postumus was of Germanic origin? It doesn't surprise me that one such as himself would revolt for 'booty' as you say. Did Postumus bring any innovations to the region on an administrative level before Aurelian's arrival?

It troubles me to hear of the Praetorian Guard and their power. How did it become like this? Who was keeping the empire running then? I never heard of this ordeal happening in Rome before but it seems fascinating.

Augustine J. Celestino

Messages In This Thread
Crisis of the 3rd Century&Growing Dangers of Trade - by Augustine - 01-10-2015, 06:08 AM

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