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Roman religious practices and the Catholic Mass
Ave Jim,

very interesting thoughts!

Creating a ‘normal’ subforum, open to the public, should be necessary but sufficient. (There are users, too, who only want to read a topic).

Quote: Unfortunately (or probably fortunately, you know what I mean), early Christianity is pretty much a given part of ancient Rome, especially the later the period, and it seems a shame for it to be such a touchy and avoided subject.
(…)If RAT does start a Byzantine subforum the issue will need to be addressed anyway.

Absolutely right. Religion was a ‘normal’ topic in ancient times – with all problems connected to it. Believers of any kind, Christians included, always had to bear critics and being offended. Personally, I can talk directly to someone who posted something ‘crude’ or off limits, always thinking he/she had good intentions. Or I can leave the discussion silently – RAT is vast. And I know, that in the ‘good old ‘days there were different types of living Christianity. Most letters of the apostle Paul are addressed to early Christian communities, who suffered factionalism or misunderstanding. Because people were and are not perfect. And some who sailed under Christian colours were no ‘good guys’ at all, even from the ancient point of view.

So blinding out Religion or Christianity means overshooting. Restricted access due to number of posts or certain amount of membership won’t be practical. Posts are easily increase by mini-statements. And who wants to write dissertations in other topics, only to achieve enough laudes points just to be granted permission to ‘religion’ one day? And nothing against polls – but that’s a very inflexible and slow way.

Quote: Absolutely strict rules, no quarter given, and the login page has the rules spelled out in big text above the login fields.

That sounds perfect. I suggest a special MOD (-team) for that subforum reacting quick and clear by editing or moving/merging topics. If something is mistakable, off limits or offending, the MODs should edit the special post and either give the user the chance to do up or admonish him/her. Or shut the topic down. I’ll always prefer the sure instinct of a MOD to an ‘automatically’ procedure (and won’t expect a censor or inquisitor).

A rough suggestion to special rules:

Avoid any connections or conclusions to modern ways of theology, faith, religions or churches and living persons.

Keep in mind that (like today) ancient people or communities were individuals and no perfect samples of a worldwide kind and therefore not necessarily might have been representatives of all others (including their successors through the centuries).

Refer to historical details and evidence. Serious historians, ancient sources and photographs of original finds are recommended. Use terms in their ancient context.

Keep in mind that special ancient terms or points of view may be very different compared to modern or even medieval times.

Try to discuss from the ancient people’s point of view. Avoid unknowingly rewriting history by implying modern theological opinions or standards.

Always presume that other members don’t intend to offend you – if something might be mistakable or doubtable, please keep cool, friendly and enquire or add additional information.

Any persons, who really could have been personally offended are now gone since at least 1500 years :wink:
Greetings from germania incognita

Heiko (Cornelius Quintus)

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

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Re: Roman religious practices and the Catholic Mass - by Cornelius Quintus - 08-05-2006, 04:40 PM

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