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Re-Enactment Groups in Australia?
Well the subject title tells it all - are there any re-enactment groups in Aus?

I have seen a few Australian's making posts and just wondered if there are any fellow Australians that have taken their interest to the next level ... that being from the level of 'thinking bout it' to the level of 'doing'? Smile

"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam"
(I will either find a way or make one)
Hannibal Barca (c. 247-183 BC)
I take it you mean Greek and Roman?.....There are re-enactment groups in all the major search 'Esford'( a Brisbane based supplier of gear, mainly Deepeeka) for links or google 'Living History', Australia only, for lists/contact details.There are two Roman groups in Brizvegas, a 1 C AD group, who have now turned their interests to things Gladiatorial, and a fairly new and relatively small Republican Roman group.......There are of course many more Mediaeval groups....

The biggest re-enactment event in the Southern Hemisphere ( though largely mediaeval) is held at "The Abbey" museum outside Brizvegas each winter......
"dulce et decorum est pro patria mori " - Horace
(It is a sweet and proper thing to die for ones country)

"No son-of-a-bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country" - George C Scott as General George S. Patton
Paul McDonnell-Staff
Also check out the Australasian Register of Living History Organisation Ancients list for those groups with websites: [url:35a3r9mo][/url].

Contact them and you'll find a bunch of helpful people who can give you advice. There is nothing stopping you starting your own group in the NT.
Peter Raftos
Hello Paul,

Thanks for the search info – Esford looks fairly interesting (am a bit interested in Medieval armour as well) but the prices seem inordinately cheap!

I had heard about the Medieval fairs down Brissy way but so far have not been able to get to one - shall have to see if I can get down there at the same time as one of these events and have a squiz.

But what I was really looking for was a Roman re-inactment group like those in the northern hemisphere… blokes in armour in legion format (with a cavalry unit would be great!)

Hello Peter,

Thanks for the link – interesting list!

I see there is a Legio VIIII (Hispana) in NSW – are there any members on RAT?

You said:
“There is nothing stopping you starting your own group in the NT.â€

"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam"
(I will either find a way or make one)
Hannibal Barca (c. 247-183 BC)
I am afraid the Ninth Legion has closed shop and disappeared in to the mist.

If you are interested in Medieval and Roman you could even start an NT branch of the New Varangian Guard. (A shameless plug I know) The core area and period of interest of the New Varangian Guard is the Byzantine Empire, its allies and enemies, during the 9th to 13th centuries.

I don't think we have a cavalry unit anywhere yet. Again full of helpful people who can give you advice.
Peter Raftos

The Sydney Ancients is a confederation of like minded people who do Roman and Greek re-enactment. Happy to share information with you.

Or web page

regards Craig Gascoigne
Hello Peter,

Thanks for the information on the Ninth and the New Varangian Guard.

You said "I don't think we have a cavalry unit anywhere yet"
That is a shame - but to be expected I spose.... dont suppose the Varangian Guard had any cavalry either - wouldn't be a good idea to 'axe-wield' on horse back...

Hello Craig,

Thanks for the link and the offer of help - appreicate it.

"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam"
(I will either find a way or make one)
Hannibal Barca (c. 247-183 BC)

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