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York Roman festival
I felt, having read many comments about us it was about time I came forward with a reply.
Seven years ago I decided that it was time York should have a Roman festival if not just to stop people reffering to the city as "Viking"
I spent many months trying to get the momentum going and realised I would have to just "go for it" if it were ever to take off.
It's fair to say that we have had quite a struggle to get where we are today.
There have been some that wished to get involved because they could see the financial side of it and wanted to simply make money. Thankfully one by one we have got rid of them and the festival remains totally non for profit with many of the organisers putting in hundreds of hours for free.
I noticed a post from a good friend in Hungary, Gustav from Collegium Gladitorium. In truth we have struggled with funding recently and were simply not able to afford the group but hope that measures we are putting in place now should be able to secure their return in the future.
We make the whole event free for everyone to attend, makeing no charge for any of the displays or events and try very hard to have something for everyone that shows all sides of Rome.
I know in the past there have been some that have been critical of some of our displays, like the belly dancers but I say again that we try to hit all levels of audience age and interest.
Last year we were struggling with funding as we were let down at the last minute with money promised to us and so decided to put the festival back to October to give us more time (though with the help of Roman Antiquita we managed to put on a small event at our usual time of July) To avoid anymore confusion it was felt that this years should also be in October before we move to our permenant date of the end of May from next year.
This year is also different in that we are going to move the arena in St Sampsons Square to the same place as the LHC which is just behind what remains of the roman fortress at the side of the library.
There will be members of Roman Antiquita and Chester Guard along with a smattering of Celts from various groups. Among the LHC will be wood turners, a potter, blacksmith, weaver and various displays.
Kids are obviously a big part and we will be catering for them them in many ways including the chance for them to become Roman Soldiers or Celts, it's great fun and so it should be!
Another diffence is that Saturday is usually our main day but this year Sunday is the busier day with Saturday spent building up to an evening event we are going to run, there is a small charge for this but food and drink plus entertainment is provided.
What I wish to make clear is that anyone and everyone is welcome to the whole festival and anyone turning up in kit can join us for the event on the evening (just bring beer and a sleeping bag) I know it's october but we won't be doing it again at this time. Last year was quite warm, honestly! There are some tents available but there is also an undercover part within the camp.
If you just wish to come and take a look at us then please do, if anyone wishes to get involved them please come and talk to us.
There was a comment recently with reference to York deserving a great Roman festival again. That would be one that we orgainsed then? We've done it before and shall again.
I have avoided posting on this site as I did not wish to get involved in tit for tat comments but I would be more than happy to answer any questions anyone has.
So I will finish by saying the York Roman Festival is on the 25th and 26 October. Anyone wishing to have some fun, be a Roman, see Romans get drunk, and just chill out (no moaning allowed, life's too short) then we'll see you there. Despite what has been suggested the YRF is open to everyone.
Keith Mulhearn
Hi Keith,

I quickly googled this up and saw a very nice site for 2007 but nothing for 2008. Maybe you should change the dates and the events list quickly. The domain name yorkromanfestival is good, just use the same site with some edits. Lots of other sites link to it but of course the dates are wrong. The event does need to be better publicised. I live in Huddersfield and have never heard of it. Furthermore, I know one of your members through Holderness and have looked for you a few times in the pub on Stonegate, but have always missed you. I thought perhaps I ought to ask one of the ghost tours if they knew how to contact you.

Harry Amphlett
Hello Harry.
It's no excuse but I try to have nothing to do with the site and leave it all to the other organisers (I can't do everything) but thank you very much for brining it to my attention. I will ensure that it is sorted today and some sort of copy as to what is happenning in the future will also be posted as well as the dates.
With regards to The pub in Stonegate we no longer store equipment there as we were very fortunate to be offered free storage in the city centre by York council.
However there is a sword an armoury shop opposite where I also store some equipment for a Roman tour that I run and if you ever need to contact me that would be a good place.
Infact if anybody is ever coming to York and wants to go on the tour let me know and I will arrange some free tickets for family friends etc.
The guy that is doing it for me is quite new and it would do him good to have some large crowds, even if they are critical! it's every Sat at 1pm

With regards to marketing I know it is a major problem and it's something that will be severley addressed for next year though I really wanted to get the formula right. We've spent the last few years haviong to jump through hoopes for sponsors stretching us all over the city but I honestly think that to have the whole camp and arena together is the right way forward, and what better place than behind an original fortress wall that stands almost (give or take a few inches) to it's original height.

Hope to see you there.
Keith Mulhearn
Hi Keith,

Fair comment about web site. I do site design for a living so here's a tip. Web designers don't like typing so type up the new schedule in a word document along with the dates, email it to them and all they have to do is cut and paste. It's a two minute job on a page like that. Ask them to change the dates in the title tags to 2008 too. It's shame to waste all those other sites that link to it.

I think you're right about having one central location. The Viking festival is spread out too much and it gets smaller and more expensive each year. It's not on to expect the public to pay to go into the Guildhall to see crafts and then pay again to see the traders in a tent in St Sampson's square, especially after you've paid for parking in York. And then you have to pay to go in the Barley Hall too. It creates a money grabbing impression and everything is diluted. Pay once, see it all and be impressed by scale.

A lot of the continental events are held in one location even if it is in a city centre. I went to a Romans v Celts event in Trier last summer and they did exactly the same thing, even though there are dozens of places around the city centre where they could have done it as a series of side shows. It's always easier for the public if they can ask, where is the roman festival and be directed to it. It's more fun too.

I shall look forward to it.

Harry Amphlett
Harry I couldn't possibly comment on the Viking festival but you are right, people don't like to feel they are being ripped off and if it means that it will take longer for the Roman festival to grow by not chargeing anyone then so be it.

In the beginning I organised a lot of fringe events that of course made the festival look bigger than it actually was. Over the last few years they have fallen a bit but this year I am working hard to bring them back. Won't appeal to everyone but I have persuaded the Pullam Bus company to do a Roman themed tour of the city. I did a lot of research for it myself and again think it will appeal to all ages, that's what I think makes a good event, that and obviously cost especially for famillies.

By the way as I'm obviously new to this I've just realised that I've broke the rules by not adding my name to the bottom. Sorry!

Keith Mulhearn.
Keith Mulhearn
Ahh, the signature thing. If you look in your profile, you'll see a tab somewhere where it says signature. that's where you put it. Took me ages to find it with some gentle nudging from Robert. Saves you typing it in everytime too.

Harry Amphlett
Keith Mulhearn
I noticed a post from a good friend in Hungary, Gustav from Collegium Gladitorium. In truth we have struggled with funding recently and were simply not able to afford the group but hope that measures we are putting in place now should be able to secure their return in the future


I can tell everybody that we had great times in York. The kindness and the hospitality of the organizers were in top level.
So we also wait for your invitation Wink
Meanwhile, If we can help with anything like pictures/videos made in York, or promotion of York Roman Festival, just contact us.
Collegium Gladiatorium Hungary
aka Gus ztav Gar as
Hi Gustav, nice to hear from you, hope everyone is well and please pass on my regards.
I can't believe how fast the last couple of years have flown. You will have read my first comments about how thing's are changing with the festival, I'm pretty sure for the better.
I promised you the next time you came I would build as close to an arena as I could for you to perform in and I hope to keep my word. As with everything money is a problem and I keep in mind all the offers and ideas you had last time.

Take care Gustav and if you are planning to come to York for any reason give me a call.

Keith Mulhearn
Quote:I can tell everybody that we had great times in York.

The superb impression the Collegium left in both years as the highlight of the event and as inspiring re-enactors still remains as fresh as ever: I look forward to seeing you again! Big Grin
Salvianus: Ste Kenwright

A member of Comitatus Late Roman Historical Re-enactment Group

My Re-enactment Journal
~ antiquum obtinens ~
Hi All,

Having been involved with Kieth's York Roman Festival in the past I would highly recommend taking up his invitation to participate. and also enjoy the after hours social activities.

If the Colligium Gladiatorium attend, I would definetly go along even as a spectator to see this outstanding troop.

Kieth I'll give you a call and catch up.

Dave Huggins
Jorvik Vikingr/Ulfhednar England
Ingvar Sigurdson
Dave Huggins
Quote:I do site design for a living so here's a tip. Web designers don't like typing so type up the new schedule in a word document along with the dates, email it to them and all they have to do is cut and paste.

I don't mind typing, probably as I spent quite a few years doing it...a mature multimedia student.... :oops:
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
Hi Dave,

Hope your well and thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

It would be nice to see you there this year but I understand if your shift dictates otherwise.

As is obvious, everyone wants to see Gustav and the boys back in York so lets hope from now on more support is forthcoming to make it happen again.

Take care and give my best to all.

Keith Mulhearn
It's a shame about the apparent lack of civic support from the City Council, Keith. Clearly we deserve a lot more and it should be possible for Yorkies to push for better. What's the funding situation?
Salvianus: Ste Kenwright

A member of Comitatus Late Roman Historical Re-enactment Group

My Re-enactment Journal
~ antiquum obtinens ~
Hi Steve,

Unfortunatly funding has been a pain since the beginning and we have always been playing catch up from the previous year ie, starting with a debt. I am pleased to announce that this year sees the lowest but because of major turn arounds within the city's council and tourism there is not as much money around as there was. I am currently working hard to secure funding through grants (though this will be more beneficial to next year)
The way forward is really to persuade some local businesses to support us which is what I am currently working on. It's typical, in the past we have had money in place but not secured groups and people, this year everything is sorted except the cash. but as always, we will get there.
Hopefully if all works according to plan we will get Gustav and the boys back again soon, perhaps the way forward is to charge for everthing like all other festivals do but I would hate for this to happen. The idea is that nobody makes any money and all the families get free entertainment. I know it's a wild dream but we've managed it so far and I'd hate to give up now.

Keith Mulhearn

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