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Lorica Squamata closing method
Great stuff guys.
The actual holes in the squamata scaleshave the leather laced through them, if I'm not mistaken Doc, (they were on mine) so I was offering another possibility. The way they are they are nuts, as the lace gets jammed in. The segs can either have one lace through all the loops(many do this), but this leads to potential weakness if the lacing is cut, and opens the front or back. Individual ties for each set of loops work better, and can remain tied when unfastened. I do this anyways.
The buckles are another option. As things advanced with time, I think buckle fastening are as likely an option as not. Certainly a quick and effective one.
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
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Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
I tried making mine with buckles originally, but found it was too difficult to buckle them up. Trying to reach under your armpit area to thread a piece of belt through a buckle facing behind you was way to difficult. Thats why I settled on the ties. One side remains tied and one simply ties the end closest to you through the loop.
Markus Aurelius Montanvs
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For what it's worth, mine laces up. I felt that having the armour open on both sides was a potential weakness so mine only opens down the left side of the body. I use a single long lace to do it up, which laces through the leather edging rather than the scales themselves. I find this makes for an excellent closure. It is true that I can't do it up on my own, but as has already been stated, it is most unlikely that a soldier would need to don his armour in isolation. To begin with, lacing up the side was time consuming, but as the same couple of people tend to consistently lace me up, they have both become much faster as they know what to do. It probably takes around a third as long to lace up now as it did to begin with. So - not necessarily accurate, but then again we don't know what method/methods the originals used, so as good as any other suggestion.

Here's my thread on how I made my squamata (sadly I made it before Markvs Montanvs revealed the edging method used on the Carpow scale to us all).

Who is called \'\'Paul\'\' by no-one other than his wife, parents and brothers.  :!: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />:!:

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