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Helmet Trim
Salvete Fratres,

As some of you know Jeffery Hildebrandt is current making for me an Imperial Gallic F helmet. A while back he had done an Imperial Gallic D helmet for someone else based on Robinson's Gallic D. This helmet had a roped brass edged trim on the neck guard and cheek pieces. I think it looks fantastic! My question is...does anyone know if this type of trim has ever been used on a Gallic F helmet? If not, do you think that it could be put on a Gallic F helmet and still be historically correct? I ask this, because just about all Gallic helmets I've seen have plain brass trim. Thanks in advance for the input!

Thomas Guenther
Thomas Guenther
Would anyone have any input in regards to this topic? I'm going to have to make a decision soon as Jeffery Hildebrandt will need to know in regards to my helmet.
Salve Sis,
Thomas Guenther
Thomas Guenther
We only know such a thing from the gallic D from Mainz. However, I think you would be absolutely fine with using it at a gallic F. I personally believe no helmet was the same back then. They would have personalised it all.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
I was thinking that way myself. But I wanted to get some other peoples opinions on this before I just went ahead and did it. I value your thoughts.
Thanks so much,
Thomas Guenther
Thomas Guenther
I remember such trim in a gallic A. I think as Jurjen, each helmet was made with some degree of personality probably related with the money available. So if you like it, put it in your helmet.
Thanks for your advice. You and Jurjen have satisfied me in regards to whether or not I could get away with it on my helmet.
Thomas Guenther
Thomas Guenther
Although I agree that it's your call regarding the trim, I've seen odder things, it's more work for the maker and hence more costs to you. Is the benefit you receive worth the cost in resources that you could invest in another quality item?

Will this be a display item or are you going to wear it to reenactment events, parades and schools?

Also keep in mind it's brass not steel, unless you never use it or treat it like a piece of glass when you do drop it (it will happen) that delicate trim won't stay perfect for long.

And brass tarnishes fast unless it is lacquered or waxed often. I use a lot of brass and bronze objects and spend many hours polishing before a public showing. To get all the tarnish out of that type of trim you'll need a tooth brush and lots of time. Once polished it will certainly look good unless you go with the "I've just arrived from the battle" look and let everything tarnish and rust up.

Just food for thought.
Joe Balmos
I appreciate you thoughts on this and those are valid things to consider.
Thomas Guenther
Thomas Guenther

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