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YUCK: Latest News on the "Hannibal" Film
There are far worse choices than Vin Diesel as Hannibal, particularly in the rampantly politically-correct world we live in today. I recall one in a series of "Black History Month" posters distributed around the army bases, and their Hannibal, though amazingly correct in equipment, looked quite a bit like Idi Amin - unquestionably a sub-Saharan negro.<br>
Dan. <p></p><i></i>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>There are far worse choices than Vin Diesel as Hannibal, particularly in the rampantly politically-correct world we live in today<hr><br>
Back in 2003 Denzel Washington was seriously thinking about casting himself for the part of Hannibal. Thank God he put it out of his mind. He's a fine actor (by US standards ) but otherwise completely inappropriate for the role.<br>
Too bad we can't get someone like Russel Crowe again .<br>
Ideally they should cast a classically trained actor (as opposed to a US actor ) <p><img src="" style="border:0;"/></p><i></i>
Hmmm..I don't know, looking at this very historically-accurate Charles Lilly portrait of HB from Budweiser's "Great Kings of Africa" series, I think Denzel might have been able to pull it off with a bit of makeup...<br>

EDIT: ARGH!! Ah, the heck with it- can't get the darn image to post!

Anyone interested can go to to see it.
I think Vin looks the part of Hannibal. Phoenician/Semetic look compaired to Denzel, but his acting, well we can pray can't we? Smile

I think we should contact them or the studio because if they do it like they've done other Roman theme movies, they will be wearing leather lorica segmentas around. But atleast during this time period it will be hard to screw up the armor.

Just e-mail them this painting of the Roman soldiers during the time period...hey it's a start 8)

[Image: 005.gif]
Vin Diesel was also noted for his writing/directorial skills...which is why Steven Spielberg noticed him and cast him in Saving Private Ryan.

If he's that passionate about it, you may want to burn some incense and give it a chance. Besides, it can't get any worse than any other hollywood flick on history. And no...the armour won't be to anyone's standards here, so stop it right
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Any pic from the filming?
[Image: 120px-Septimani_seniores_shield_pattern.svg.png] [Image: Estalada.gif]
Ivan Perelló
[size=150:iu1l6t4o]Credo in Spatham, Corvus sum bellorum[/size]
Quote:There are far worse choices than Vin Diesel as Hannibal, particularly in the rampantly politically-correct world we live in today. I recall one in a series of "Black History Month" posters distributed around the army bases, and their Hannibal, though amazingly correct in equipment, looked quite a bit like Idi Amin - unquestionably a sub-Saharan negro.<!-- OTICON START :rolleyes <img src= ALT=":rolleyes"><!-- OTICON END <br>


---- Probably the same group that had Cleopatra looking more like whoopi goldberg in colour purple and jesus looking more like well now that you mention it idi amin, not this aint a joke they actually had artists renditionings. I honestly dont think that the people of judea look too much differant now then they did back then. - Octavianvs
Animals die, friends die, and I shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind after our death.
No man loses Honour who had any in the first place. - Syrus
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