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Rome: Total Realism 7
MARCVS PETRONIVS MAIVS:1phg7qly Wrote:As far as I've heard, RTR 7.0 is dead apparently. Cry

Have a cite/site?

Third post down explains what happened. The original RTR 7 team were going to work on a grand campaign (like RTR 6) using the Medieval II Total War engine, the updated one. But that team disbanded and a new team set up to make RTR VII. The difference is instead of making a grand campaign, they are making 'mini campaigns' such as the carthaginians conquest of iberia (The Iberian Conflict - TIC) and now have moved on to the Punic Wars. (Fate of Empires)

Personally I don't like it. I prefered things as they were in RTR 6 and liked the direction taken with the original team with an updated engine.

On a sidenote, why do all the cool mods disregard the principate and the late roman army? It really annoys me that we don't get any action after 9BC. What about the 2nd century, what about Trajan, Hadrian, Nerva, Marcus Aurelius, at the epitomy of the empire, why can't we play then? I would love to be able to start at say 380BC, which is where RTR 6 starts I think, and go all the way to say, 476AD. That would have been awesome, to go through the gradual changes in the roman army... who knows, if you are sucessful, you could have an army much more aking to those of the 2nd centuries in the 4th century... avoid the whole civil wars and crisis of the third century and all that.
I think there are a maximum number of units allowed per faction and a maximum number of factions. I think a game spanning from 280BC to AD476 would require more units and factions than are possible with the current RTW engine. I agree with you though.
Michael D. Hafer [aka Mythos Ruler, aka eX | Vesper]
In peace men bury their fathers. In war men bury their sons.
I'm probably the only currently active RTR member who also worked with the "old" RTR team. I do not recall there ever being any kind of plan of an original team to move RTR to M2TW so there never was a decision to abandon that plan either Wink

Mythos_Ruler:2cin4dny Wrote:
MARCVS PETRONIVS MAIVS:2cin4dny Wrote:As far as I've heard, RTR 7.0 is dead apparently. Cry

Have a cite/site?

Third post down explains what happened. The original RTR 7 team were going to work on a grand campaign (like RTR 6) using the Medieval II Total War engine, the updated one. But that team disbanded and a new team set up to make RTR VII. The difference is instead of making a grand campaign, they are making 'mini campaigns' such as the carthaginians conquest of iberia (The Iberian Conflict - TIC) and now have moved on to the Punic Wars. (Fate of Empires)

Personally I don't like it. I prefered things as they were in RTR 6 and liked the direction taken with the original team with an updated engine.

On a sidenote, why do all the cool mods disregard the principate and the late roman army? It really annoys me that we don't get any action after 9BC. What about the 2nd century, what about Trajan, Hadrian, Nerva, Marcus Aurelius, at the epitomy of the empire, why can't we play then? I would love to be able to start at say 380BC, which is where RTR 6 starts I think, and go all the way to say, 476AD. That would have been awesome, to go through the gradual changes in the roman army... who knows, if you are sucessful, you could have an army much more aking to those of the 2nd centuries in the 4th century... avoid the whole civil wars and crisis of the third century and all that.
Sam in real life, "muizer" on the www: Rome Total Realism team captain
[Image: rtrsigHalf.jpg]
Mythos_Ruler:2daeoqd8 Wrote:
MARCVS PETRONIVS MAIVS:2daeoqd8 Wrote:As far as I've heard, RTR 7.0 is dead apparently. Cry

Have a cite/site?

Third post down explains what happened. The original RTR 7 team were going to work on a grand campaign (like RTR 6) using the Medieval II Total War engine, the updated one. But that team disbanded and a new team set up to make RTR VII. The difference is instead of making a grand campaign, they are making 'mini campaigns' such as the carthaginians conquest of iberia (The Iberian Conflict - TIC) and now have moved on to the Punic Wars. (Fate of Empires)

Personally I don't like it. I prefered things as they were in RTR 6 and liked the direction taken with the original team with an updated engine.

On a sidenote, why do all the cool mods disregard the principate and the late roman army? It really annoys me that we don't get any action after 9BC. What about the 2nd century, what about Trajan, Hadrian, Nerva, Marcus Aurelius, at the epitomy of the empire, why can't we play then? I would love to be able to start at say 380BC, which is where RTR 6 starts I think, and go all the way to say, 476AD. That would have been awesome, to go through the gradual changes in the roman army... who knows, if you are sucessful, you could have an army much more aking to those of the 2nd centuries in the 4th century... avoid the whole civil wars and crisis of the third century and all that.

That thread says there still will be a grand campaign.
Michael D. Hafer [aka Mythos Ruler, aka eX | Vesper]
In peace men bury their fathers. In war men bury their sons.
Quote:That thread says there still will be a grand campaign.

A lot will depend on how the current campaign, Fate of Empires, is received. It can serve as a base to develop a grand campaign from and if that's the decision the team ends up making it probably will. It also has elements that would be impossible to incorporate in a grand campaign. A choice will have to be made. Alas, Total War fans often just want more, even if it's of the same just dressed up differently, but I personally hope FoE can provide a viable alternative.
Sam in real life, "muizer" on the www: Rome Total Realism team captain
[Image: rtrsigHalf.jpg]
I apologise, I had RTR confused with Europa Barbarorum, which quite frankly, makes RTR seem mediocre by comparison. As fas as historical accuracy goes, I think they are just as accurate, probably more.

I was also thinking of EB 2 when I said RTR was planing to change to the MTW 2 engine.


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