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Pompeii -- New Feature Film
The director of the Resident Evil series, Paul W.S. Anderson, has selected Pompeii as his next feature film project.

Several years ago Roman Polanski had been on board for the project, but that never got out of Development Hell. This one might. As always, time will tell.

"Resident Evil" director to shoot "Pompeii" film

By Pamela McClintock and Borys Kit Pamela Mcclintock And Borys Kit – Mon May 2, 11:07 pm ET
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Paul W.S. Anderson, the filmmaker behind the "Resident Evil" movies, is giving the story of Pompeii the big-screen treatment.

He will direct "Pompeii," an adventure movie recounting the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of the Roman city in 79 A.D. Like "Titanic," the Pompeii film will be anchored by a strong love story. So far, no cast has been announced.

Summit Entertainment has snapped up U.S. distribution rights to the big-budget project set up at German production house Constantin Film.

"Pompeii" revolves around the slave of a shipping tycoon who dreams of the day he can buy his freedom and marry his master's daughter. What the slave doesn't know is that she's already been promised to a corrupt Roman senator, while he's been sold to another owner.

Just when things can't get any worse, Mt. Vesuvius erupts with the power of 40 nuclear bombs. But the slave is trapped on a ship headed for Naples, separated from his love and best friend, a gladiator who is trapped in the city's coliseum. As fire and ash destroy the only world he's ever known, the slave is determined to get back and rescue them.

Insiders say the plan is for Anderson to start shooting "Pompeii" next spring. He is now in post-production on "Three Musketeers," which Summit is releasing in the U.S. in October


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Interesting post, thanks, Narukami. A couple of months ago, I heard about Ridley Scott doing a dramatisation of Robert Harris' excellent book. Is this a different project? The story sounds different.
Ben Kane, bestselling author of the Eagles of Rome, Spartacus and Hannibal novels.

Eagles in the Storm released in UK on March 23, 2017.
Aguilas en la tormenta saldra en 2017.
Twitter: @benkaneauthor
Doesn't sound like it's based on the Harris book, which is a pity, IMO. I think the water works engineer story is more interesting than the slave/owner daughter love story this movie seems to be going for.
This feature film is a new project not based upon the Robert Harris novel.

According to CinemaBlend, the project was originally in the hands of director Roman Polanski, who in 2007 was planning a $100 million disaster epic starring Orlando Bloom and Scarlett Johansson. Due to the writer's strike, he pulled out, but German production company Constantin Film ("Michael Clayton," "Resident Evil") has picked up the reins.

And this:

From Roman Polanski to the other Paul Anderson? This may be only the second-biggest tragedy to strike the ancient city of Pompeii, but it is certainly the most recent. Four years ago, Roman Polanski planned to mount a massive historical epic based in Pompeii that would have culminated with the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of the city. The script was to be based on the Robert Harris novel about Pompeii, but plans were dashed when SAG and WGA strikes loomed. But other pitches about the city and its tragic, disastrous fate -- totally unrelated to the scuttled Polanski film, aside from the basic setting -- have circulated, and now Paul W.S. Anderson will make one that is positioned as a big disaster movie with a love story to keep us all emotionally engaged. THR [1] says that Pompeii is at Summit, and that other sales will take place at Cannes. »
- Russ Fischer

The Robert Harris book, in fact, is now a TV Mini-Series set for release in 2012. This from IMDB:

"Pompeii" (2012)

Writing credits
Robert Harris (screenplay)
Robert Harris novel (2012)
Robert Towne screenplay (2012)

Produced by
Ridley Scott .... producer
Judith Verno .... producer
David W. Zucker .... producer

Production Budget: $130 Million

No Release Date ... yet.

Engineer Marcus Attilius is placed in charge of the massive aqueduct that services the teeming masses living in and around the Bay of Naples. Despite the pride he takes in his job, Marcus has pressing concerns: his predecessor in the job has mysteriously vanished, and another task is handed to Marcus: he is to undertake crucial repairs to the aqueduct near Pompeii, the city in the shadow of the restless Mount Vesuvius. And as Marcus faces several problems - all life threatening - an event approaches that will make all his concerns seem petty

No doubt we will hear more about these two projects over the coming year as they move towards principal photography.


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Well, the novel was very readable, and seemed historically well-researched. Intrigue, romance, and a true Roman's devotion to his duty were some of the dominant themes. Let's hope the TV series is not too campy.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Quote:Engineer Marcus Attilius

Funny! :-D Marcus Attilius was the name of a gladiator famously portrayed on graffiti at Pompeii. On his first day in the arena, he apparently went through the 12- and 14- fight veterans of the Neronian school like a dose of salts. Ironic that they avoid the gladiator cliche in their T.V. show yet use the name of an actual, real-life gladiator.
Hello, my name is Harry.
I'm ok with any film that puts Roman history on the spotlight, something that Centurion and The Eagle have failed to do... whatever happened to making a movie about the Romans every year (horrible costumes sadly) like Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, The Robe, The Fall of the Roman Empire, Madada...
Quintus Furius Collatinus

on the subject of costumes my favorite blog has this:
** Vincula/Lucy **

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